Phonics Made Easy

Advanced Phonics


  본 과정은  Basic Phonics 과정과 이어지는 과정으로 Basic Phonics에서 익힌 기본기를 바탕으로 속도감있게 수업이 진행됩니다. 다양한 모음의 결합 및 발음 규칙을 익히며, 관련 단어를 폭넓게 배워 나가는 방식으로 영어에 대한 자신감을 갖도록 도와줍니다. 이 과정의 후반부에서는 짧은 문장을 만들어 보고 읽어보는 연습을 통해 좀 더 복잡한 문장을 익히기 위한 사전 연습을 진행합니다. 


  Basic Phonics 수업과 이어지는 과정으로 가급적이면 Basic Phonics 수업을 들은 학생이 수업을 듣는 것을 권장합니다. 다만 다른 곳에서 파닉스를 배웠거나 어느 정도 파닉스 지식이 있는 경우 레벨 테스트를 통해 수강이 가능합니다.


  본 과정은 총 14개의 Lesson으로 구성되어 있으나, Basic Phonics에 비해 훨씬 빠르게 진행되어 5~6주 안에 과정이 마무리됩니다. 


  • Introduce and review vocabulary and concepts for All About Me
  • Introduce consonant sound “Bb”: boy, bat, blue.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Hh”: hat, horse, hen.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Ff”: fox, fish, family.
  • Continue concept of rhyming words and practice matching words that have the same ending sound.
  • Review sight words: the, has, a.
  • Read “ag” words: tag, bag, rag, hag, lag, sag, nag.
  • Students read their first sentences: “The rat has a hat.” “The rat has a cat.” “The rat has a bag.” “That rat has a hag.” “Boo has a bag.” “Boo has a hat.”
  • Continue multiple choice to choose between words with the same initial sound.
  • Continue multiple choice to choose the correct ending blends for words.
  • Read the following “at” words: fan, pan.
  • Read the following “ad” words: dad, pad.
  • Read the words: ant, can, man.
  • Review sight words: the, has, a.
  • Read sentences: “The man has a bag.” “The ant has a bag.” “The man has a can.” “The cat has a fan.” “The rat has a cap.” “The man has a map.” “The cat has a hat.” “The man has a bat.” “The man has a van.” “Boo has a bat.” “Boo has a hat.”
  • Introduce consonant sound “Vv”: van, vest, violin.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Zz”: zebra, zoo, zipper.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Ww”: watermelon, whale, window.
  • Continue multiple choice to choose between words with the same initial sound.
  • Continue multiple choice to choose the correct ending blends for words.
  • Review sight words: the, has, a.
  • Introduce new sight word: is.
  • Read new words: wag, sad, fat.
  • Read sentences using sight words “the” and “is”: “The cat is fat.” “The bat is fat.” “The ant is fat.” “The rat is sad.” “The cat is sad.” “The man is sad.”
  • Introduce consonant sound “Yy”: yak, yellow, yam.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Kk”: kids, kite, kangaroo.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Jj”: jam, jeep, jellyfish.
  • Read new words: jam, yam, ham
  • Read additional sentences. Some pictures now include two sentences. For example: “The cat has a hat.” “The cat is fat.”
  • Review consonant sounds “Bb,” “Hh,” “Ff” and vocabulary.
  • Review sight words: the, has, a, is.
  • Students learn to put words in proper order to make a sentence. They learn a sentence begins with a big letter and ends with a period.
  • Review consonant sounds “Vv,” “Zz,” “Ww” and vocabulary.
  • Review consonant sounds “Yy,” “Kk,” “Jj” and vocabulary. 
  • Introduce the following concepts to review select vocabulary: “What’s outside the window?”
    “What’s inside the van?” “What’s behind the gate?”
  • Review sight words: the, has, a, is.
  • Introduce short vowel sound “Ii”: insects, iguana, igloo.
  • Introduce short vowel “i” blends: “ip,” “im,” “in,” “id,” “ig,” “it.”
  • Read sentences such as: “The cat is in the bag.”
  • Read short vowel “i” words: sip, Jim, Kim, Tim, win, hit, pig, lid.
  • Read additional “ig” words: jig, big, wig, fig, dig.
  • Read additional “it” words: sit, bit, pit, kit, fit.
  • Read additional “ip” words:  dip, lip, tip, nip, zip.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review “i” vocabulary
  • Introduce multiple choice to choose the correct sentence focusing on the difference between “is” and “has” for comprehension.
  • Review sight words: the, has, a, is.
  • Introduce short vowel “Oo”: octopus, ostrich, otter.
  • Introduce short vowel “o” blends: “op,” “om,” “on,” “od,” “og,” “ot.”
  • Read short vowel “o” words: mop, mom, pot, dog, rod.
  • Read sentences such as: “The cat sat on the log.”
  • Read additional “og” words: log, dog, hog, fog, jog, bog.
  • Read additional “op” words: hop, top, pop, mop.
  • Read additional “ot” words: pot, hot, cot, jot, dot, tot, rot, got, lot.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review “i” and “o” vocabulary.
  • Continue multiple choice for words with similar phonic sounds (beginning, middle, or ending) and sentences with “is” or “has.”
  • Review short vowel sounds: “a,” “i,” “o.”
  • Introduce letter combination “ck.”
  • Introduce letter combinations: “ack,” “ick,” “ock.”
  • Read “ack” words: sack, rack, pack, back.
  • Read “ick” words: sick, pick, lick.
  • Read “ock” words: sock, dock, rock.
  • Review sight words: the, has, a, is.
  • Read sentences such as: “The dog is on the rock.”
  • Read additional “ack,” “ick,” and “ock” words: rack, tack, sack, jack, rock, tock, sock, dock, pick, sick, tick, lick.
  • Introduce a variety of listening quizzes to differentiate between “ack”, “ick”, “ock” sounds and vocabulary.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Continue multiple choice for words with similar phonic sounds (beginning, middle, or ending) and sentences with “is” or “has.”
  • Continue a variety of listening quizzes to differentiate between “ack”, “ick”, “ock”.
  • Review sight words: the, has, a, is.
  • Introduce sight word “are.”
  • Introduce concept of adding “s” to the end of a word to make a plural form.
  • Read the following words: kids, rocks, socks, jacks, sacks, back packs.
  • Introduce concept that we use “is” when there is one subject and “are” when there is more than one subject.
  • Read sentences such as: “The bat is in the back pack.” “The bats are in the back pack.”
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Introduce a variety of listening quizzes to differentiate between singular nouns and plural nouns with the “s” sound at the end.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Xx”: xylophone, x-ray, x-ray fish.
  • Read words containing “ox,” “ix,” “ax”: box, fox, ox, six, mix, wax.
  • Review sight words: a, has, the, is, are.
  • Read sentences such as: “The cat is in the box.” “The cats are in the box.”
  • Read additional words containing the letter “x”: fox, box, ox, mix, six, fix, wax, tax, lax.
  • Introduce more plural forms as students read sentences such as: “The kids are on the mat.” “The kids are on the mats.”
  • Introduce and read sentences containing concepts of “big” and “not big.” For example: “The pig has a top. The top is big.”  “The pig has a top. The top is not big.” 
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Introduce multiple choice to choose beginning vowel sound for vocabulary learned so far.
  • Introduce short vowel “Ee” sound: elephant, egg, elk.
  • Introduce blends: “ep”, “em”, “en”, “ed”, “eg”, “et.”
  • Read short vowel “e” words: hen, bed, leg, net, jet, vet, pets.
  • Introduce “oy” letter combination.
  • Read “oy” words: boy, toy.
  • Read sentences containing “oy” and short vowel “e” words. For example: “The toys are in the box.” “The boys are in the beds.”
  • Read additional “oy” words: toy, boy, coy, joy, soy, Roy.
  • Review sight word “has.”
  • Introduce sight word “have.”
  • Introduce concept that we use “has” when there is one subject and “have” when there is more than one subject.
  • Multiple choice to choose between “has” or “have” for singular or plural subjects.
  • Read sentences containing “has” and “have” such as: “The boy has a map.” “The kids have a map.”
  • Review additional short vowel “e” words: bed, fed, zed, red, led, wed, Ned, Ted.
  • Review sight words learned to date: have, has, is, are, a, the.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review material from lessons 1-10.
  • Multiple choice to choose between “has”, “have”, ”is”, ”are”  for singular or plural subjects.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice to review concepts of “is” and “is not.”
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review “e” vocabulary
  • Review sight words learned to date: have, has, is, are, a, the.
  • Introduce short vowel letter “Uu”: umbrella, under, up.
  • Introduce blends: “up,” “um,” “un,” “ud,” “ut,” “ug.”
  • Read short vowel “u” words: pup, cup, rug, bug, hug, nut.
  • Read additional “ug” words: mug, jug, dug, tug, pug.
  • Read short vowel “u” words: run, sun, duck, jump.
  • Read additional “un” words: sun, run, nun, gun, pun, fun, bun.
  • Read additional “uck” words: duck, puck, luck, buck, muck, suck, tuck, yuck.
  • Read additional “ump” words: jump, bump, pump, lump, dump.
  • Read short vowel “u” sentences such as: “The pup is in the cup.” “The pups are in the cup.”
  • Read sentences using the word “can” as a model verb such as: “The boys can run.”
  • Continue multiple choice to choose between “has”, “have”, ”is”, ”are”  for singular or plural subjects and choosing between plural and singular nouns.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Continue multiple choice to choose beginning vowel sound for vocabulary learned so far.
  • Review “u” vocabulary.
  • Review sight words learned to date: have, has, is, are, a, the.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Qq”: queen, quail, question.
  • Read “qu” words: quack, quick, quilt.
  • Read “qu” sentences such as: “The quilt is on the bed.”
  • Introduce the letter combination “and” and use it in sentences. For example: “The cat and the dog can run.”
  • Read “and” words: sand, hand, band.
  • Read additional sentences such as: “The kids have a band.”
  • Introduce letter combination “ir.” Read “ir” words: girl, bird, dirt.
  • Read sentences using “ir,” “qu,” “and.”
  • For example: “The girl can run. The girl is quick.” The girl is in the sand.”
  • Read additional “and” words: sand, land, band, hand.
  • Continue multiple choice to choose between “has”, “have”, ”is”, ”are”  for singular or plural subjects and choose between plural and singular nouns.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review material from lessons 1-13.
  • Spelling practice to identify beginning, middle, and ending phonic sounds for vocabulary words previously learned.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review, reading comprehension, and proper sentence structure.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Big letter/Small letter match-up: e, i, o, u, x, q.
  • All 26 letters of the alphabet have been learned at this point.