Storybooks Made Easy

Advanced Reading


  Storybooks Made Easy 과정은 전세계 영어권 국가 어린이들에게 사랑받고 있는 Scholastic 출판사의 Acorn 시리즈를 중심으로  수업을 진행합니다. Scholastic 출판사는 책의 수준에 따라 A~Z Level로 분류하고 있습니다. Advanced Reading 과정은 영미권의 초등학교 1~3학년 학생 수준에 해당하는 H, J Level의 책을 선별하여 커리큘럼을 구성하였습니다. 관련된 내용은 Scholastic 홈페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

Book Title Scholastic Guided Reading Level School Grade Word Count
Hello, Hedgehog!: Do You Like My Bike?
Hello, Hedgehog!: Let's Go Swimming
Hello, Hedgehog!: Who Needs a Checkup?
Hello, Hedgehog!: Let’s Have A Sleepover
Fairylight Friends: A Magic Spark
Fairylight Friends: Time to Shine

  본 과정은 단순히 책의 내용을 읽고 이해하는 것에 그치지 않고 학생들의 생각을 말해보고, 이야기의 교훈을 알아보는 과정을 통해 보다 심화된 이해를 유도합니다. 그리고 이야기에 나온 주제와 관련된 보다 폭넓은 어휘와 문법으로 발전시킬 수 있도록 수업이 진행됩니다. 또한 각 책에 대한 학습이 끝나면, 학생들이 주인공이 되어 대본연습을 하듯 책을 읽어나가는 Reader’s Theater 수업을 통해 영어를 유창하고 자연스럽게 읽을 수 있도록 연습합니다.


  Phonics 등 영어에 대한 기초가 확립된 상태에서 영어 읽기에 익숙하고, 학원 다닌 경우에는 최소 1~2년 이상 영어를 배운 학생들에게 추천합니다. 


  본 과정은 Advanced Reading 1, 2로 나누어지며 각각 3권의 책으로 구성됩니다. 1권의 책으로 대략 4주 정도 수업이 진행되어 과정별로 12주 정도에 걸쳐서 진행될 예정이지만, 학생들의 참여도에 따라 더 빠르게 진행될 수도 있고 천천히 진행될 수 있습니다.


Advanced Reading 1

1. Hello, Hedgehog!: Do You Like My Bike?

  • Learn “garden” words: spring, springtime, summer, summertime, autumn, fall, winter, wintertime, garden(s), garden fork, windowsill garden, watering can, spray bottle, spade, shovel, plant(s), grow(s), seed(s), seed packet, herbs, sprouts, beans, flowers.
  • Review words: yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, future.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: next to, in, under, on.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs and present tense verbs and introduce future tense verbs: planted/plant(s)/will plant, grew/grow(s)/will grow.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: plant(s), grow(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: growing, planting.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Practice spelling the name of the main character.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present an experience sentence about something that you have lost.
  • Learn new words: show(s), puppet show, choose, surprise, surprised, patient, empty, full, wonderful, great, fruit(s), vegetable(s), front, back, fly, flies, Venus fly trap, hello, dinosaur, scooter, garbage, trash, luggage, fast, slow, breakfast, lunch, lunch box, dinner.
  • Review words: yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, future, empty, full.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: behind, on, far from, between, under, next to.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: ate/eat(s)/will eat, drank/drink(s)/will drink, showed/show(s)/will show, chose/choose(s)/will choose, dug/dig(s)/will dig, planted/plant(s)/will plant.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: eat(s), drink(s), show(s), choose(s), dig(s), plant(s).
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, future tense verbs.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: watering, wearing, weighing, flying, eating, drinking, choosing, showing.
  • Review comparative and superlative adjectives: fast/faster/fastest, slow/slower/slowest. Practice sentence structure for comparative and superlative adjectives.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: chooses.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs: choosing.
  • Review spelling rule for adding “er” to make comparative adjectives.
  • Review spelling rule for adding “est” to make superlative adjectives.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present sentences about what you like to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Write and present a sentence describing your bike using adjectives.
  • Learn “flower” words: rose(s), tulip(s), daisy, daisies, lotus(es), sunflower(s), cherry blossom(s), bloom(s), beautiful, pretty.
  • Learn “fruits” words: apple(s), lemon(s), banana(s), orange(s), strawberry, strawberries, watermelon(s), grape(s), pumpkin(s), tomato(es), gather, carry.
  • Review words: yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, future, grow.
  • Review sight words: who, which.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: on, in, in front of.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: gathered/gather(s)/will gather, carries/carry/carries/will carry.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: gather(s), carry/carries.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, future tense verbs.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: gathering, carrying.
  • Review comparative and superlative adjectives: good/better/best, bad/worse/worst. Practice sentence structure for comparative and superlative adjectives.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement in a matching exercise to add is/are before present continuous verbs.
  • Introduce rule for using a/an before singular countable nouns that begin with a consonant or vowel letter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Practice spelling the names of the main characters.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: lotuses, tomatoes.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: daisies, strawberries, carries.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present sentences with comparative and superlative adjectives to tell which kinds of fruits and flowers you like.
  • Write and present a list to tell what kinds of snacks you like.
  • Learn “vegetables” words: market, buy, sell, shop, carrot(s), ginger, broccoli, red pepper(s), garlic, onion(s), potato(es), cucumber(s), mushroom(s), lettuce, bok choy, radish(es).
  • Review words: herbs, sprouts, beans.
  • Review sight words: which, who, what
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review pronouns: any, some, none. Practice correct question and answer structure with fill in the blank exercise.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs , present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: sold/sell(s)/will sell, bought/buy(s)/will buy, shopped/shop(s)/will shop.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: sell(s), buy(s), shop(s).
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: selling, buying, shopping.
  • Review comparative and superlative adjectives: better, best.
  • Review sentence structure with comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives.
  • Introduce concept of uncountable nouns: ginger, broccoli, garlic, lettuce, bok choy.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Search the story text to answer questions to practice reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice questions about the story to practice reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “es” to make plural nouns: potatoes, radishes.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing”: shopping.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present sentences with comparative adjectives to say which vegetables you like better.
  • Write and present sentences with superlative adjectives to say which vegetables you like best.
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present an opinion sentence about which color bike you like best.

2. Hello, Hedgehog!: Let's Go Swimming

  • Learn “kitchen” words: ducklings, kitchen, stove, oven, refrigerator, fridge, freezer, rice cooker, blender, toaster, mixer, coffee maker, bowl, washing machine, washer, vacuum cleaner, dishes, dishwasher, plate, fork, dirty, messy, tidy, cookie(s), chopsticks, o’clock.
  • Review words: cup, spoon, knife, clean, empty, full, sink, bedroom.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: behind, in front of, below, above, over, under, near, far from, between, on, in, next to.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: baked/bake(s)/will bake.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: bake(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: putting, eating, standing.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing”: putting.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present setences using “o’clock” to tell what time you wake up in the morning, go to English class, and go to bed at night.
  • Learn new “bathroom” words: bathroom, bathtub, faucet, toilet, toilet paper, shower, mirror, stop, comb(s), ladder, tree house.
  • Review words: tub, sink, dining room, bedroom, living room, go, come, climb(s), kitchen, parent, child, stairs, attic, wall, floor.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: came/come(s)/will come, went/go(es)/will go, climbed/climb(s)/will climb, built/build(s)/will build, did/do(does), will do.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: eat(s), drink(s), show(s), choose(s), dig(s), plant(s).
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, future tense verbs.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: looking, pretending, having, building, working, cleaning, doing, combing.
  • Review comparative and superlative adjectives: fast/faster/fastest, slow/slower/slowest. Practice sentence structure for comparative and superlative adjectives.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: goes, does.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs: having.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn the /ou/ sound as in “cow” words: cow, wow, owl, down, town, towel, frown, crown, brown, clown, shower, flower.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: on, in, next to, in front of.
  • Introduce singular present tense verbs must go with a singular subject and plural present tense verbs must go with a plural subject.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn new words: itchy, hill, pond, frog(s), hide-and-seek, follow, count, hatch, help, asleep, awake, across, around, through, funny, good-bye, crawl, tunnel, pole, sorry, shut, closed.
  • Review words: hello, street, road, guess, think.
  • Introduce contraction: we’re
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: followed/follow(s)/will follow, shut/shut(s)/will shut, counted/count(s)/will count, helped/help(s)/will help, hatched/hatch(es)/will hatch, crawled/crawl(s)/will crawl.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: follow(s), shut(s), count(s), help(s), hatch(es), crawl(s).
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, future tense verbs.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: following, counting, helping, crawling, walking, dancing.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: hatches.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs: dancing.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.

3. Hello, Hedgehog!: Who Needs a Checkup?

  • Learn new words: show-and-tell, spill(s), drop(s), groan(s), careful, healthy, sick, train(s), bring(s), belong(s), lizard, hamster, parrot, goldfish, snake, whiskers, paws, claws, tongue, eyes, ears, nose, tail, daughter, son, if.
  • Review words: turtle, frog, fish, rabbit, dog, cat, yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, future, family, parents, mother, father, sister, brother, children, exercise.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: in, out, on, at.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: trained/train(s)/will train, brought/bring(s)/will bring, groaned/groan(s)/will groan, spilled/spill(s)/will spill, dropped/drop(s)/will drop.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: train(s), bring(s), groan(s), spill(s), drop(s).
  • Introduce concept of conditional sentences using “if”.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review comparative and superlative adjectives: long/longer/longest. Practice sentence structure for comparative and superlative adjectives.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Fill in the blank exercises for spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present a sentence about your plans for today.
  • Learn “school” words: trick, hoop, hula-hoop(s), talent show, contest, won, winner, idea, wrong, right, teach(es), study/studies, learn, search, Earth, lesson, online, computer, tablet, iPad, digital books, type.
  • Review words: laptop, teacher.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: taught/teach(es)/will teach, studied/study, studies/will study, learned/learn(s)/will learn, searched/search(es)/will search, typed/type(s)/will type.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: teach(es), study/studies, learn(s), search(es), type(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: studying.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Introduce “why”, “why not” and “because” for giving opinions.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: teaches, searches.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: studied, studies.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present opinion sentences using “because” to tell why you would or wouldn’t like to study in a tree house, and why you do or don’t like to read digital books.
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present a sentence about your favorite kind of lollipop.
  • Learn “school supplies” words: pen, pencil, sharp, dull, pencil sharpener, ruler, scissors, stapler, eraser, marker, paint set, paint brush, crayons, colored pencils, board, blackboard, whiteboard, chalk, notebook, sticky notes, tape, stickers, calculator, paper, paper clips, letter(s), doll, paper dolls, cut, draw.
  • Review words: backpack, glue, write, color, paint, glue, measure.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: cut/cut(s)/will cut, drew/draw(s)/will draw, wrote/write(s)/will write, colored/color(s)/will color, painted/paint(s)/will paint, glued/glue(s)/will glue, measured/measure(s)/will measure.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: cut(s), draw(s), write(s), color(s), paint(s), glue(s), measure(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: cutting, drawing, writing, coloring, painting, gluing, measuring.
  • Review pronouns: this, these.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching, fill in the blank, and crossword puzzle exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: cutting, writing, gluing, measuring.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write a present a sentence about your plans for tomorrow using future tense grammar.
  • Learn “education” words: education, science, experiment(s), mathematics, math, English, phonics, geography, history, art, music, instrument(s), physical education, P.E.
  • Learn new “action” words: backward, forward, upside down, clap(s), flip(s), worry/worries, snore(s), make.
  • Learn new pronouns: every, everyone, no one, anyone, someone.
  • Learn collocations: make the bed, make a mess, make a wish, make a book, make a face, make dinner, make an A+, make a call, make up, make a sandwich.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: made/make(s)/will make, worried/worry, worries/will worry, snored/snore(s)/will snore, clapped/clap(s)/will clap, flipped/flip(s)/will flip.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement in a multiple choice exercise.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching, fill in the blank, and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Learn how to use various collocations with “make”.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed” to words: clapped, flipped.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: worried, worries.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present a sentence about your favorite subject in school.

Advanced Reading 2

4. Hello, Hedgehog!: Let’s Have a Sleepover

  • Learn “camping” words: hammer, bang, goggles, tent stake, camp, camping, campfire, campsite, camper(s), camper van, glamping, glamping tent, glamper(s), glamper van, cabin, hang, monkey bar, bench, bridge, branch(es), stick(s), marshmallows, roast, hot chocolate, list, too, perfect.
  • Review words: tent, ocean, garden, enough, not~enough, building, first, second, third, fourth, forest, city, mountains, beach, singing, playing, wearing, having, sitting, telling.
  • Learn collocation: just right.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: camped/camp(s)/will camp, banged/bang(s)/will bang, hanged/hang(s)/will hang, roasted/roast(s)/will roast.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: camp(s), bang(s), hang(s), roast(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: camping, banging, hanging, roasting.
  • Introduce concept of “too” + adjective and review “not~enough” + adjective.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those, everyone, no one, someone, anyone.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: branches.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present a list of what you would need if you went to a sleepover.
  • Learn more “camping” words: picnic basket, picnic table, tablecloth, smoke, lantern, flashlight, dark, cooler, trunk, compass, cot, pillow, blanket, sleeping bag, whistle, binoculars, telescope, stargaze, float, mosquito(es), bitten, itch(es), insect spray.
  • Review words: water bottle, picnic, basket, light, watch, bite, itchy, looking, full, empty, searching, eating, drawing, through.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: watched/watch(es)/will watch, floated/float(s)/will float, stargazed/stargaze(s)/will stargaze, bit/bite(s)/will bite.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: watch(es), float(s), stargaze(s), bite(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: watching, floating, stargazing, holding, blowing, sleeping.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: watches, stargazes, itches, mosquitoes.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed” to words:
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: stargazing.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write a list as a class of what you would bring if you go on a camping trip. Play a speaking game to try and remember everything in order.
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present an opinion sentence about whether you like sleeping in a tent or not and why, using “because”.
  • Learn new words: firefly/fireflies, cover(ed), grass, lie, lie down, fall down, poke(s), car seat, seat belt, park, garage, parking garage, wet, forget, remember, tie, best friends.
  • Review words: fall, house, building, apartment, elevator, dry, perfect, wearing, playing, hanging, riding, having, flying.
  • Learn collocations: lie down, is covered in~, fall down.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: lay down/lie(s) down, will lie down, tied/tie(s)/will tie, were-was covered/are-is covered/will be covered, poked/poke(s)/will poke, fell down/fall(s) down/will fall down, forgot/forget(s)/will forget, remembered/remember(s)/will remember, parked/park(s)/will park.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: lie(s) down, tie(s), are-is covered, poke(s), fall(s) down, forget(s), remember(s), park(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: lying down, tying, poking, parking.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: lying down, tying, poking.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write a present a sentence about whether you prefer camping inside or outside and why, using “because.”
  • Learn “geography” and “outdoors” words: land, woods, zipline, jungle, waterfall, river, canoe, grill, iceberg, cliffs, canyon, volcano, desert, meadow, field, plains, trail, path, swamp, explore, rather, explorers.
  • Review words: lake, pond, ocean, island, beach, world, water, forest, watching, floating, flying, walking, talking, hiking, riding, smoking, studying, searching, climbing, blooming, jumping, bench, cabin, picnic, glamper van.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: explored/explore(s)/will explore.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: explore(s)
  • Multiple choice exercise to practice plural/singular subject/verb agreement.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: exploring.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: exploring.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present sentences to explain your preference for different places to camp and why, using “rather” and “because” and new geography vocabulary.
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present a sentence about where you would like to camp in a camper van or glamper van.

5. Fairylight Friends: A Magic Spark

  • Learn new words: car wash, brush, paint brush, hair brush, toothbrush, gas station, windshield, yummy, yucky, ice pop, Popsicle, share, instead, walkie-talkie, present, gift, suit(s), suitcase, luggage, pet carrier, pack(s), trunk, drive(s), drive through, news, newspaper, vacant, occupied, exciting, boring, terrible, so-so.
  • Review words: favorite, selfie, nap, bath, walk, sitting, couch, reading, old, new, excited, bored, great.
  • Learn collocations with “taking”: taking a selfie, taking a nap, taking a bath, taking a walk.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: shared/share(s)/will share, packed/pack(s)/will pack, drove/drive(s)/will drive.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: share(s), pack(s), drive(s).
  • Introduce difference between “excited” and “exciting” and “bored” and “boring” and when to use each.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: exciting, boring.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present sentences using new “feelings” words to give your opinion about different fruits and vegetables.
  • Write and present a sentence about your favorite kind of Popsicle.
  • Learn “travel” words: trip, travel, passport, hotel, holiday, serve(s), plane, captain, pilot, flight, passenger(s), flight attendant, escalator, information, flight information, security, check in, board, baggage, baggage claim, arrival, land, departure, take off, Korea
  • Review words: vacation, fly, airplane, airport, luggage, suitcase, empty, full, forgot, remembered.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: served/serve(s)/will serve, traveled/travel(s)/will travel, flew/fly, flies/will fly, boarded/board(s)/will board, took/take(s)/will take, landed/land(s)/will land, took off/take(s) off/will take off.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: serve(s), travel(s), fly/flies, board(s), take(s), land(s), take(s) off.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y” to words: flies.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present a sentence about whether you would like to stay in a capsule hotel or not and why, using “because.”
  • Write and present a sentence about where you would like to go on vacation.
  • Write and present a sentence about what your favorite holiday is and why, using “because.”
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn “transportation” words: flying carpet, rocket, helicopter, hot air balloon, bus, double-decker bus, tram, subway, field trip, museum, aquarium, storm, degrees, Celsius, takeout.
  • Review words: train, ship, boat, weather, temperature, lightning, thunder, rainbow, cloudy, rainy, stormy, sunny, windy, snowy, season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, history, science, art, space.
  • Learn new adverbs of frequency: always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Introduce adverbs of frequency and practice using them in context to talk about how often you take different types of transportation.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Fill in the blank spelling exercises to review “weather” and “seasons” words.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present sentences about the weather and the temperature.
  • Write and present a sentence about what kind of weather you like best and why, using “because.”
  • Write an present a sentence about what your favorite season is and why, using “because.”
  • Write and present sentences using new adverbs of frequency to talk about how often you take different types of transportation.
  • Write and present sentences using new adverbs of frequency to talk about how often you do daily activities.
  • Write and present a sentence about where you would like to go on a field trip.
  • Learn “geography” words: direction, country, continents, Europe, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, North America, South America.
  • Learn “planets” words: planet(s), orbit, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
  • Learn “directions” words: North, South, East, West, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Souothwest.
  • Review words: city, nation, Asia, space, star, sun, moon, float, explore, learn, travel, land, school, across, next to, work, train, geography, same, different.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: orbited/orbit(s)/will orbit.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: orbit(s).
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank and matching and exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: exploring.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present a sentence about which continent you would like to travel to and why, using “because.”
  • Write and present a sentence about which planet you would like to travel to and why, using “because.”
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.

6. Fairylight Friends: Time to Shine

  • Learn “winter” words: snowman, snowmen, snowball, snowball fight, roll, snowshoes, snowshoeing, snow skis, snow skiing, snow fort, snow globe, snowflake(s), snowboard, snowboarding, snow tube(s), snowmobile(s), snowbank, snow angels, snow shovel(s), snowstorm, blizzard, sled, sledding, warm, cool, stuck.
  • Review words: weather, cold, hot, pushing, pulling, exercising, building, making, doing.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: went/go(es)/will go.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: go(es)
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with fill in the blank exercises.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: snowshoeing, shoveling.
  • Review pronouns: this, that.
  • Review correct usage for words: they, they’re, their, there.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: making, exercising, snowshoeing.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: goes.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present a sentence about what activities you like doing in winter.
  • Learn more “winter” words: tiny, huge, hairy, abominable snowman, Santa Claus, reindeer, sleigh, elf/elves, Christmas, Christmas tree, earmuffs, frozen, ice skates, ice-skating, ice fishing, ice carving, ice sculpture, ice hockey, penguin(s), footprints, handprints, thoughts.
  • Review words: creature, monster, ice pop, ice cream, iceberg, ice cube, igloo, vest, jacket, coat, pullover, boots, scarf, winter hat, gloves, sweater, mittens, hanging, helping, making, pulling, standing, present.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: thought/thinks(s)/will think.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: think(s).
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with fill in the blank exercises.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: snowing.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review prepositions of place: next to, over, under, in front of, behind.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present a sentence about whether you would like to study in an igloo or not and why, using “because.”
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn “entertainment” words: movie star, idol, video, video camera, film, clapperboard, microphone, megaphone, podcast, script, reporter, live at the scene, interview, view, viewers, stage, curtain(s), play, act, actor(s), perform, performer(s), audience, contest, contestant(s), YouTube, thunderstorm, hobby.
  • Review words: movie, light, work, play, puppet show, instruments, talent show, show-and-tell, costumes, headphones, computer, superhero, snowstorm, blizzard, rain.
  • Learn collocation: putting on.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: interviewed/interview(s)/will interview.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: interview(s).
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Complete a questionnaire about yourself and then interview your classmates and practice asking and answering questions.
  • Learn new words: radio, heavy, light, borrow(s), loan(s), bush, driveway, backyard, yippee, capture(d), still, move(s), join, break(s), fix(es), stool.
  • Review words: turn on, turn off, sidewalk, playground, cage, putting on, hamster, put, hid, climbed.
  • Learn collocations: turn up, turn down, sit still, stand(ing) still, find out, moving around, take(taking) a break.
  • Learn new pronouns: nobody, everybody, anybody, somebody.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: moved/move(s)/will move, broke/break(s)/will break, fixed/fix(es)/will fix,
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: move(s), break(s), fix(es).
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those, no one, everyone, anyone, someone.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank and matching exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: fixes.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present a sentence about how you like to spend snowy day.