Phonics Made Easy

Basic Phonics


  본 과정은 영어를 처음 배우는 학생을 대상으로 기초 파닉스와 일상에서 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 영어 표현 및 단어를 중심으로 구성되어 있습니다. 또한 간단한 영어 노래나, 동영상을 통해서 영어에 대한 두려움을 없애고, 영어를 친숙하게 느낄 수 있도록 쉽고 직관적인 커리큘럼을 제공합니다. Basic Phonics 과정에서는 알파벳 순서대로 배우지 않고 사용 빈도가 높은 알파벳부터 배움으로써 최소한의 수업으로도 스스로 학생들이 직접 단어를 읽고 발음할 수 있어 재미있고 쉽게 파닉스를 읽힐 수 있도록 도와 줍니다.
  영어에 대한 입문 수업으로 모든 학생들이 스트레스 없이 쉽게 따라 올 수 있도록 천천히 수업을 진행하지만, 반복을 통해 배운 내용은 확실히 익힐 수 있도록 지도합니다.  
스포츠를 처음 배울 때 기본기와 체력을 기르는 것이 중요한 것과 마찬가지로, 영어에 대한 확실한 기초를 만들어 줍니다.


  영어를 전혀 접한 적이 없는 학생 또는 어린이집 등에서 간단한 영어 수업을 진행한 경험이 있는 학생에게 적합합니다. 화상 수업 진행을 위해 최소 7세 이상부터 수강이 가능하며, 8세(초등1년) 이상을 권장합니다. 


  본 과정은 총 12개의 Lesson으로 구성되어 있으며, 1개의 Lesson은 대략 1주(2회 수업 기준) 정도에 걸쳐서 진행됩니다. 전체 수업은 12주 정도이지만, 학생들의 참여도에 따라 더 빠르게 진행될 수도 있고 천천히 진행될 수 있습니다.


  • Introduce expressions for Greetings:
    “Hello, how are you?”, “Hello, what’s your name?”, “My name is ____. Nice to meet you.”, “Bye bye, goodbye.”, “Goodbye, see you soon.”, “Goodbye, see you next time.”
  • Introduce short vowel sound “Aa”: apple, alligator, ant.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Pp”: pencil, purple, pear.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Mm”: monkey, mouse, map.
  • Introduce concept “Something is hiding. What is it?” to review select vocabulary.
  • Introduce matching initial letter sounds with vocabulary pictures
  • Introduce Feelings vocabulary and expressions:
    “How are you today?” I’m ____.” (good, great, wonderful, tired, hungry, not so good, happy, angry, scared, sleepy, sad, surprised, excited, bored, thirsty)
  • Review “Aa,” “Pp,” “Mm” and previous vocabulary.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Tt”: tiger, turtle, toys.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Gg”: girl, goat, green.
  • Introduce blends “ap” and “am.”
  • Introduce Colors vocabulary and expressions:
    “What’s your favorite color?” “My favorite color is ___.” (pink, purple, blue, red, orange, yellow, green, brown, white, black, gray, tan)
  • Review “Aa,” “Pp,” “Mm,” “Tt,” “Gg” and previous vocabulary.
  • Review blends “ap” and “am.”
  • Introduce blends “at” and “ag.”
  • Introduce consonant sound “Nn”: night, numbers, nuts.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Dd”: day, dog, duck.
  • Introduce blends “an” and “ad.”
  • Introduce Weather vocabulary and expressions:
    “What’s the weather like today?”, “How’s the weather today?”, “It’s ____.”, “What kind of weather do you like?”, “I like ____.” (sunny, cloudy, partly cloudy, rainy, stormy, windy, snowy, hot, cold, thunder, lightning, rainbow)
  • Introduce Seasons vocabulary and expressions:
    “What season is it?”, “It’s ___.”, “What’s your favorite season?”, “I like ___.” (spring, summer, fall, winter)
  • Review “Aa,” “Pp,” “Mm,” “Tt,” “Gg,” “Nn,” “Dd” and previous vocabulary.
  • Review blends “ap,” “am,” “at,” “ag,” “an,” “ad.”
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Aa”: astronaut, ax, attic.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Mm”: man, mail, moon.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Pp”: pig, pink, pool.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Tt”: top, toad, tub.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Gg”: game, gold, gate.
  • Introduce matching big letters with small letters learned so far.
  • Review Weather and Seasons vocabulary and expressions.
  • Review “Aa,” “Pp,” “Mm,” “Tt,” “Gg,” “Nn,” “Dd.”
  • Review blends “ap,” “am,” “at,” “ag,” “an,” “ad.”
  • Review vocabulary presented to date:
    apple, alligator, ant, astronaut, ax, attic, monkey, mouse, map, man, mail, moon, pencil, purple, pear, pig, pink, pool, tiger, turtle, toys, top, toad, tub, girl, goat, green, game, gold, gate, night, numbers, nuts, day, dog, duck.
  • Introduce multiple choice questions for choosing the correct first letter sound for vocabulary presented to date.
  • Introduce finding which vocabulary words do not belong for each letter sound.
  • Review matching big letters with small letters learned so far.
  • Introduce listening quizzes to choose between blends learned so far.
  • Introduce Numbers vocabulary and expressions: Learn to count from 0-20 and backwards from 10-1. “How old are you?”, “I’m ____.”
  • Review blends “ap,” “am,” “at,” “ag,” “an,” “ad.”
  • Review “Aa,” “Pp,” “Mm,” “Tt,” “Gg,” “Nn,” “Dd.”
  • Review previous vocabulary.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Nn”: nurse, nail, name.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Dd”: dots, dinosaur, doctor.
  • Introduce matching vocabulary that begin with the same letter sound.
  • Review concept of finding which vocabulary words do not belong for each letter sound.
  • Introduce concept of big and small to review vocabulary.
  • Review matching big letters with small letters learned so far.
  • Introduce listening quizzes to review vocabulary words that begin with the same letter sound.
  • Introduce the English alphabet from Aa-Zz both big and small letters and learn vocabulary words for each letter.
  • Introduce counting plural nouns to review the vocabulary words.
  • Introduce letter names: “Big A small a” and so forth for all letters learned so far.
  • Continue using concepts of big and small to review vocabulary.
  • Review blends “ap,” “am,” “at,” “ag,” “an,” “ad.”
  • Review “Aa,” “Pp,” “Mm,” “Tt,” “Gg,” “Nn,” “Dd.”
  • Review previous vocabulary.
  • Review big letters and small letters and vocabulary learned to date: Aa, Pp, Mm, Tt, Gg, Dd, Nn.
  • Match big letters to small letters and to corresponding vocabulary words. Say letter sounds and letter names.
  • Introduce listening quizzes to identify between big and small letters.
  • Introduce identifying the big letter in a group of small letters.
  • Begin handwriting practice for letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii.
  • Introduce vocabulary and expressions about My Body and My Five Senses:
    “Wash your hands.”, “Wear a mask.”, “Exercise everyday.” “My Five Senses.”, “I can hear with my ears.”, “I can see with my eyes.”, “I can smell with my nose.”, “I can taste with my tongue.”, “I can touch with my hands.” (head, neck, eye(s), ear(s), nose, mouth, tongue, tooth, teeth, cheek(s), chin, arm(s), elbow(s), hand(s), finger(s), leg(s), knee(s), foot, feet, hair, skin)
  • Review blends “ap,” “am,” “at,” “ag,” “an,” “ad.”
  • Introduce consonant sound “Cc”: candy, cat, car.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Ll”: lock, lollipop, lemon.
  • Review “Aa”, “Pp”, “Mm”, “Tt”, “Gg”, “Nn”, “Dd”.
  • Review previous vocabulary.
  • Use counting and concepts of big and small to review some vocabulary.
  • Continue identifying the big letter in a group of small letters.
  • Introduce listening quizzes to identify between big letters.
  • Review concept of finding which vocabulary words do not belong for each letter sound.
  • Match big letters to small letters and to corresponding vocabulary words. Say letter sounds and letter names.
  • Students read their first word: map.
  • Review vocabulary from lessons 1-8.
  • Continue handwriting practice for letters Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr.
  • Introduce vocabulary and expressions about My Family: (grandpa, grandma, daddy, mommy, brother, sister, baby, pet)
  • Review blends “ap,” “am,” “at,” “ag,” “an,” “ad.”
  • Read the following words: map, nap, lap.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Rr”: ram, rat, red.
  • Introduce consonant sound “Ss”: sad, soap, sick.
  • Review consonants “Cc,” “Ll” and vocabulary: candy, cat, car, lock, lollipop, lemon.
  • Continue various listening quizzes to review material learned so far.
  • Continue multiple choice and matching exercises to match initial phonic sounds to vocabulary.
  • Introduce multiple choice and matching to match words to vocabulary.
  • Continue handwriting practice for letters Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.
  • Introduce vocabulary and expressions for Days of the Week:
    “Yesterday was _____.”, “Today is _____.”, “Tomorrow is _____.” (yesterday, today, tomorrow, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
  • Review blends “ap,” “am,” “at,” “ag,” “an,” “ad.”
  • Review words by reading: map, nap, lap.
  • Review consonants “Nn,” “Dd,” “Cc,” “Ll,” “Rr,” “Ss.”
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Cc”: cap, cup, cow.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Ll”: log, leaf, lunch.
  • Continue using concepts of big and small and introduce the concept of medium to review vocabulary.
  • Continue multiple choice and matching practice to review vocabulary.
  • Read additional “ap” words: cap, lap, nap, map, tap, gap, rap, sap.
  • Introduce vocabulary and expressions for Months of the Year and My Birthday:
    (calendar, months of the year, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December) “Today is your day.”, “Happy Birthday!”, “Happy birthday to you!”, “When is your birthday?”, “My birthday is in ____.” (cake, presents, hats, party)
  • Review blends “ap,” “am,” “at,” “ag,” “an,” “ad.”
  • Read “am” words: ram, tam, dam.
  • Review previous “Rr,” “Ss,” “Cc,” “Ll” vocabulary.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Rr”: rabbit, rock, rain.
  • Introduce new vocabulary for “Ss”: sand, socks, sun.
  • Continue counting practice with plural nouns to review vocabulary.
  • Continue multiple choice and matching practice to review vocabulary.
  • Read “am” names: Sam, Pam, Cam.
  • Review “ap” words by reading: map, nap, lap, cap, sap, rap, tap, gap.
  • Review big letters and small letters and vocabulary learned since lesson 7: Cc, Ll, Rr, Ss.
  • Match big letters to small letters and to corresponding vocabulary words. Say letter sounds and letter names.
  • A brief review of the following letters as well: Aa, Pp, Mm, Tt, Gg, Dd, Nn.
  • Introduce Shapes vocabulary and expressions: (shapes, circle, square, triangle, oval, pentagon, diamond, heart, rectangle, star, hexagon, octagon)
  • Read “at” words: rat, pat, cat, pat, mat, sat.
  • Introduce sight words: the, has, a.
  • Introduce multiple choice to choose between words with the same initial sound.
  • Introduce concept of rhyming words and practice matching words that have the same ending sound.
  • Introduce multiple choice to choose the correct ending blends for words.
  • Introduce listening quizzes to choose between words with similar phonic sounds.
  • Match Big and small letters learned to date.
  • Vocabulary review for lessons 1-12.