Storybooks Made Easy

Intensive Reading


  Storybooks Made Easy 과정은 전세계 영어권 국가 어린이들에게 사랑받고 있는 Scholastic 출판사의 Acorn, Branches 시리즈를 중심으로  수업을 진행합니다. Scholastic 출판사는 책의 수준에 따라 A~Z Level로 분류하고 있습니다. Intensive Reading 과정은 영미권의 초등학교 2~3학년 학생 수준에 해당하는 J,M Level의 책을 선별하여 커리큘럼을 구성하였습니다. 관련된 내용은 Scholastic 홈페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

Book Title Scholastic Guided Reading Level School Grade Word Count
Unicorn and Yeti: Sparkly New Friends
Unicorn and Yeti: A Good Team
Unicorn and Yeti: Friends Rock
Unicorn and Yeti: Cheer Up
Owl Diaries: Eva’s Treetop Festival
Owl Diaries: Baxter is Missing
Owl Diaries: Eva Sees a Ghost
Owl Diaries: Eva and Baby Mo

  본 과정은 단순히 책의 내용을 읽고 이해하는 것에 그치지 않고 학생들의 생각을 말해보고, 이야기의 교훈을 알아보는 과정을 통해 보다 심화된 이해를 유도합니다. 그리고 이야기에 나온 주제와 관련된 보다 폭넓은 어휘와 문법으로 발전시킬 수 있도록 수업이 진행됩니다. 또한 각 책에 대한 학습이 끝나면, 학생들이 주인공이 되어 대본연습을 하듯 책을 읽어나가는 Reader’s Theater 수업을 통해 영어를 유창하고 자연스럽게 읽을 수 있도록 연습합니다.

Intensive Reading 2에서는 Owl Diaries라는 허구의(Fiction) 내용과 더불어서 부엉이나 박쥐 등에 대한 생태와 같이 사실적(Non-fiction)인 내용에 대한 수업을 병행하여 진행함으로써 보다 학문적인 영어 읽기에 대한 능력을 배양합니다.


  Phonics 등 영어에 대한 기초가 확립된 학생들에게 적합하며, 읽기, 문법, 쓰기 등에 대해 능숙한 수준의 학생을 대상으로 합니다. 학원 다닌 경우에는 최소 2년 이상 영어를 배운 학생들에게 추천합니다. 


  본 과정은 Intensive Reading 1, 2로 나누어지며 각각 4권의 책으로 구성됩니다. 1권의 책으로 대략 4주 정도 수업이 진행되어 과정별로 16~18주 정도에 걸쳐서 진행될 예정이지만, 학생들의 참여도에 따라 더 빠르게 진행될 수도 있고 천천히 진행될 수 있습니다.


Intensive Reading 1

1. Unicorn and Yeti: Sparkly New Friends

  • Learn new words: close, leave, arrive, except, sparkles, sparkly, tricky, fluffy, lucky, wish(es), miss, proud, annoyed, frustrated, afraid, brave, scary.
  • Review words: giving, getting, far from, bigger, older, taller, stay, go away, come , go, try, see, happy, confused, surprised, grumpy, unhappy, not happy, sad, angry, cool, worried, bored, excited, scared.
  • Learn collocations: come on, come here, come early, come on time, come late, come in first, come in second, come in third, come in fourth, come in last.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: left/leave(s)/will leave, tried/try/tries/will try, saw/see(s)/will see.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: leave(s), try, tries, see(s).
  • Learn future tense with “be going to”: going to fly, going to board, going to take, going to eat, going to do, going to stay, going to leave.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: giving, getting, trying.
  • Review concept of comparative and superlative adjectives: closer, closest, farther, farthest.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: tries
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs: giving, getting.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present sentences about what you are going to do after class, tomorrow, and this weekend.
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story.
  • Write and present an opinion sentence using new future tense with “be going to” grammar.
  • Learn new words: furry, amazing, pregnant, born, brush, hairbrush, toothbrush, paintbrush, fancy, plain, sleek hair, smooth, flowery, protect, perfect, brag, colorful, necklace, suit, polka dots, stripes.
  • Review words: friend, snowstorm, might, magic, idea, itchy, rainbow, fur, horn, wonderful, great, straight hair, curly hair, wavy hair, wear, tie, scarf, crown.
  • Learn collocations: born this way, lots of things.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: brushed/brush(es)/will brush, wore/wear(s)/will wear.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: brush(es), wear(s).
  • Learn future tense with “be going to”: going to wear.
  • Introduce super + adjective: super awesome, super cool, super strange, super hard, super fun, super scary, super fancy, super easy.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank, matching, and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rule for adding “es”: brushes
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story.
  • Write and present a sentence using new future tense with “be going to” grammar about what you will wear tomorrow and why.
  • Learn new words: real, friendly, snowball fight, pile, soup, hard, soft, easy, difficult, problem, solution, maybe, other.
  • Review words: good, better, best, bad, worse, worst, bigger, biggest, close, closer, closest, far, farther, farthest, win, throw, catch, hit, kick, pretend, friend(s), fight, question, answer.
  • Review concept of comparative and superlative adjectives: smoother, smoothest, sleeker, sleekest, curlier, curliest, flowerier, floweriest, itchier, itchiest, more colorful, most colorful, fancier, fanciest, furrier, furriest, trickier, trickiest, sparklier, sparkliest, scarier, scariest, more afraid, most afraid, more scared, most scared, braver, bravest, plainer, plainest, luckier, luckiest, fluffier, fluffiest, more annoyed, most annoyed, prouder, proudest, more frustrated, most frustrated, more amazing, most amazing, more wonderful, most wonderful, greater, greatest, straighter, straightest, wavier, waviest, more perfect, most perfect.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: won/win(s)/will win, threw/throw(s)/will throw, caught/catch(es)/will catch, hit/hit(s)/will hit, kicked/kick(s)/will kick.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: win(s), throw(s), catch(es), hit(s), kick(s).
  • Review adverbs of frequency: always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never, might, probably, probably not, maybe.
  • Introduce plural nouns for words ending in “f” or “fe”: leaves, elves, hooves, halves, shelves, loaves, thieves, wolves, scarves, lives, knives, wives.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Discuss concepts of “problem” and “solution” and identify them in the story.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: curlier, curliest, flowerier, floweriest, itchier, itchiest, fancier, fanciest, furrier, furriest, trickier, trickiest, sparklier, sparkliest, scarier, scariest, luckier, luckiest, fluffier, fluffiest, wavier, waviest
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “e”: braver, bravest.
  • Learn spelling rule for comparative and superlative adjectives that have 3 syllabus or more and exceptions: more colorful, most colorful, more afraid, most afraid, more scared, most scared, more annoyed, most annoyed, more frustrated, most frustrated, more amazing, most amazing, more wonderful, most wonderful, more perfect, most perfect.
  • Learn spelling rule for plural nouns for words ending in “f” or “fe”: leaves, elves, hooves, halves, shelves, loaves, thieves, wolves, scarves, lives, knives, wives.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story.
  • Complete sentences about the problem and solution in the story.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write a fourth chapter as a class to continue the story.
  • Focus on writing dialogue and narration and using new vocabulary and grammar learned in the lessons.

2. Unicorn and Yeti: A Good Team

  • Learn new words: anymore, bounce, toss.
  • Review words: each other, kick, catch.
  • Learn collocations: good at, not good at.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: kicked/kick(s)/will kick, bounced/bounce(s)/will bounce, tossed/toss(es)/will toss, caught/catch(es)/will catch.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: kick(s), bounce(s), toss(es), catch(es).
  • Review concept of future tense with “be going to”: going to kick, going to bounce, going to toss, going to catch.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: kicking, bouncing, tossing, catching.
  • Learn and review singular and plural pronouns (subject, object, possessive): I, me, my, mine, you, your, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, we, us, our, ours, they, they, their, theirs.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to practice object and possessive pronouns.
  • Multiple choice exercises to practice subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “es”: bounces, catches, tosses.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs: bouncing.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed”: bounced.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present sentences using new collocations “good at” and “not good at” to tell things that you are good at/not good at doing.
  • Learn new words: another, move, trip, roar, race.
  • Review words: fall, roll, contest.
  • Learn collocations: far away, a long way away, one more, ready set go, that sounds.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: moved/move(s)/will move, tripped/trip(s)/will trip, rolled/roll(s)/will roll, roared/roar(s)/will roar.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: move(s), trip(s), roll(s), roar(s).
  • Review concept of future tense with “be going to”: going to move, going to trip, going to roll, going to roar.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: moving, tripping, rolling, roaring.
  • Learn and review singular and plural pronouns (subject, object, possessive): I, me, my, mine, you, your, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, we, us, our, ours, they, they, their, theirs.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to practice subject and possessive pronouns.
  • Multiple choice exercise to practice singular/plural subject/verb agreement.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed”: moved, tripped.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs: moving, tripping.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and practice dialogue using new collocation “That sounds…”
  • Learn new words: weird, strange, fact, opinion, ruin, ruins, piece, glass
  • Review words: mix, hungry, thirsty, sprinkles, together, apart, sour, sweet, knock, some, any, bowl, bottle, cup.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: ruined/ruin(s)/will ruin.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: ruin(s)
  • Review concept of future tense with “be going to”: going to ruin.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: ruining.
  • Introduce concept of singular and plural countable nouns.
  • Review concept of adding “a” or “an” before singular countable nouns that begin with a vowel letter.
  • Introduce concept of uncountable nouns: snow, rain, grass, glue, sand, water, land, sunshine, soap, scissors, paper, music, clothing, clothes, pants, glasses, paper, money, news, love, luggage, garbage, furniture, weather, lemonade, coffee, soda, juice, tea, milk, rice, flour, sugar, cotton candy, ice cream, honey, groceries, soup, cereal, fruit, peanut butter, jam, toast, bread, cheese, pizza, noodles, meat, syrup, chicken, popcorn, garlic, lettuce, broccoli, bok choy, chocolate, bacon.
  • Review using “some” and “any” with uncountable nouns.
  • Introduce ways to count uncountable nouns using “piece”, “bowl”, “bottle”, “cup/glass”.
  • Matching exercise to practice uncountable nouns.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Introduce concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by giving facts and opinions about various topics.
  • Multiple choice exercise to identify facts and opinions.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “es”: oranges, peaches, houses, watches, buses, witches, foxes, octopuses, brushes.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: babies, cities, butterflies.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “f” or “fe”: leaves, knives, elves.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write a fourth chapter as a class to continue the story.
  • Focus on writing dialogue and narration and using new vocabulary and grammar learned in the lessons.

3. Unicorn and Yeti: Friends Rock

  • Learn new words: breeze, bend, highest.
  • Review words and collocations: show, showing, turn on, turn off, turn up, turn down, turn left, turn right, swing, slide, fly, try, high, higher.
  • Learn collocations: have a turn, take a turn, turn around, turn the page, turn into, turn over a new leaf.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: showed/show(s)/will show, bent/bend(s)/will bend, took a turn/take(s) a turn/will take a turn, swung/swing(s)/will swing, slid/slide(s)/will slide, flew/fly, flies/will fly, tried/try, tries/will try.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: show(s), bend(s), take(s) a turn, swing(s), slide(s), fly, flies, try, tries.
  • Review concept of future tense with “be going to”: going to show, going to bend, going to take a turn, going to swing, going to slide, going to fly, going to try.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: showing, bending, taking a turn, swinging, sliding, flying, trying.
  • Review comparative and superlative adjectives: higher, highest.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercise to answer comprehension questions about the story.
  • Matching exercise to practice using new collocations with “take” in context.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing”: taking a turn, sliding.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: flies, tries.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Learn new words: place, visit, palace.
  • Review words and collocations: keep, give away, find, share, belongs to, put.
  • Learn collocations: finders keepers, keep up the good work, keep on going, keep warm, keep in touch, keep out, keep off the grass, first place, second place, third place, no place like home, take your place, noisy place, quiet place, busy place.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: kept/keep(s)/will keep, gave away/give(s) away/will give away, found/find(s)/will find, shared/share(s)/will share.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: keep(s), give(s) away, find(s), share(s).
  • Review concept of future tense with “be going to”: going to keep, going to give away, going to find, going to share.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: keeping, giving away, finding, sharing.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises to answer comprehension questions about the story.
  • Matching exercise to practice using new collocations with “keep” in context.
  • Matching exercise to review vocabulary and practice reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing”: giving away, sharing.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Discuss places you would like to visit.
  • Learn new words:
  • Review words:
  • Review concept of comparative and superlative adjectives:
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs:
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs:
  • Review adverbs of frequency:
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Discuss concepts of “problem” and “solution” and identify them in the story.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”:
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “e”:
  • Learn spelling rule for plural nouns for words ending in “f” or “fe”:
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story.
  • Complete sentences about the problem and solution in the story.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write a fourth chapter as a class to continue the story.
  • Focus on writing dialogue and narration and using new vocabulary and grammar learned in the lessons.

4. Unicorn and Yeti: Cheer Up

  • Learn new words: wonder.
  • Review words: surprised, worried, frustrated, imagine, bring, visit.
  • Learn collocations: feel bad, cheer up, sneak up on, lie down.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: snuck up on/sneak(s) up on/will sneak up on, lay down/lie(s) down/will lie down, brought/bring(s)/will bring, visited/visit(s)/will visit.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: sneak(s) up on, lie(s) down, bring(s), visit(s).
  • Review concept of future tense with “be going to”: going to sneak up on, going to bring.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: sneaking up on, bringing.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Learn new words: icicles, crunch, practice, knit, plaid, body suit, leg warmers.
  • Review words: wear, blanket, scarf mittens, hat.
  • Learn collocations and expressions: turn colors, a cozy place, balls of yarn, knitting needles, warm you up, right away, all day long.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: wore/wear(s)/will wear, crunched/crunch(es)/will crunch, practiced/practice(s)/will practice, knitted/knit(s)/will knit.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: wear(s), crunch(es), practice(s), knit(s).
  • Review concept of future tense with “be going to”: going to knit.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: knitting.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “es”: practices, crunches.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed”: practiced, knitted.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing”: knitting.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present sentences using the new collocation “all day long” to tell about what you could play, eat, read, and watch all day long.
  • Learn new words: blah, needles.
  • Review words: amazing, lie down, follow.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: lay down/lie(s) down/will lie down, followed/follows(s)/will follow.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: lie(s) down, follow(s).
  • Review concept of future tense with “be going to”: going to follow.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: following.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write a fourth chapter as a class to continue the story.
  • Focus on writing dialogue and narration and using new vocabulary and grammar learned in the lessons.

Intensive Reading 2

5. Owl Diaries: Eva’s Treetop Festival

  • Read and learn facts about owls.
  • Owl Facts Vocabulary: owls, turn, feather, human, behind, twist, almost, upside down.
  • Review concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by identifying facts and opinions about owls.
  • Learn new words: nighttime, daytime, a lot, often, especially, busy, bully.
  • Review words: awake, asleep, planet, Earth, continent, Asia, country, South Korea, city, neighborhood, street, apartment building, floor, apartment number, sleepover, bored, healthy, sick, happy, sad, friend, kind, mean, on time, write.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: late for~, all the time.
  • Learn expression “Me too.” to agree with someone in a positive way, and “Me either.” to agree with someone in a negative way.
  • Introduce grammar for I love/don’t love + present continuous verb as a noun, and I love/don’t love + noun.
  • Review prepositions of place “in” and “on” to talk about where you live.
  • Introduce grammar for I like/don’t like being + adjective/noun.
  • Introduce grammar for I like being on time for/I don’t like being late for + noun.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: wrote/write(s)/will write, lived/live(s)/will live.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: write(s), live(s).
  • Introduce contractions: I’ll, you’ll, they’ll, we’ll, she’ll, he’ll.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Review and practice making lists.
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present sentences about what you love/don’t love + present continuous verb as a noun, and I love/don’t love + noun.
  • Write and present sentences about what you like/don’t like being + adjective/noun.
  • Write and present sentences about what you like being on time for/don’t like being late for + noun.
  • Read and learn facts about owls.
  • Owl Facts Vocabulary: many, more than, kinds, faces, round, shaped, heart, who, hoots, different, calls, screech, hiss, whistle, bark.
  • Watch a video about owls.
  • Review concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by identifying facts and opinions about owls.
  • Learn new words: brainstorm, organize, prizes, flap, flapper, fantastic, terrific.
  • Review words: puts on~, idea, amusement park, school, airport, zoo, English class, clothes, shoes, mall, contests, try, hang, build, make.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: tries on~, off to~, as soon as~, in charge, share the work.
  • Introduce grammar for “off to + noun”. Explain that this grammar is the same “going to”.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs and future tense verbs: tried on/try on, tries on/will try on, painted/paint(s)/will paint, set up/set(s) up/will set up, hung/hang(s)/will hang, built/build(s)/will build, made/make(s)/will make.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: try/tries on, set(s) up, hang(s), build(s), make(s).
  • Review contractions: I’ll, you’ll, they’ll, we’ll, she’ll, he’ll.
  • Introduce contractions with has/have + past participle “be” verbs: I’m, I’ve been, we’ve been, you’ve been, she’s been, he’s been.
  • Review and practice sentence structure for adjective + noun usage.
  • Review subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Introduce reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
  • Introduce conjunction “as soon as” and practice using.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Review and practice making lists using verbs.
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present descriptive sentences using adjectives.
  • Read and learn facts about owls.
  • Owl Facts Vocabulary: hiding, find, land, trees, around, called, camouflage, places, live, rain forests, deserts, mountains, ocean, near.
  • Multiple choice exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Learn new words: attitude, on your own, shaky, flamingoes, couple, organizing, planning, enter, entry, start, finish.
  • Review words: kind, mean, good, bad, nervous, runway, give, stand up, worry, draw, choose.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: gave/give(s)/will give, stood up/stand(s) up/will stand up, worried/worry, worries/will worry, started/start(s)/will start, finished/finish(es)/will finish, drew/draw(s), chose/choose(s)/will choose, promised/promise(s)/will promise, practiced/practice(s)/will practice.
  • Introduce present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is giving, are/is standing up, are/is worrying, are/is starting, are/is finishing, are/is drawing, are/is choosing, are/is promising, are/is practicing.
  • Review contractions with has/have: I’ve, you’ve, we’ve, they’ve, she’s, he’s, it’s.
  • Introduce contractions with “got”: I’ve got, we’ve got, you’ve got, she’s got, he’s got, it’s got.
  • Explain that “I have” is the same as “I’ve got.” Fill in the blank exercises to practice.
  • Review subject, object, possessive, and reflexive pronouns.
  • Introduce “on ___ own” (using possessive pronouns) and “by ___self” (using reflexive pronouns. Explain that these are the same. Fill in the blank exercises to practice.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: worried, worries, entries.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: finishes, chooses, promises, practices.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Review and practice making lists using verbs.
  • Practice combining sentences that have the same verb to make one sentence with facts about owls.
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Read and learn facts about owls.
  • Owl Facts Vocabulary: prey, eaten, animal, watch, carefully, move, eyes, follow, dinnertime, mice, insects, snakes, hunts, fish, birds, after, even, bigger, predator.
  • Multiple choice exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Learn new words: spend, designs, flower-shaped, creating, frame, reach.
  • Review words: ring, enough, prizes, try.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: all by myself, time flew, spend the night, spend money, spend time, spend ___ vacation, figure (something) out
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: spent/spend(s)/will spend, rang/ring(s)/will ring, tried/try, tries/will try, reached/reach(es)/will reach.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is spending, are/is ringing, are/is trying, are/is reaching.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Learn collocations with “spend” and practice using in context and a matching exercise to review.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: tried, tries.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: reach(es).
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Read and learn facts about owls.
  • Owl Facts Vocabulary: quiet, fliers, sneak, prey, feathers, wings, bodies, hunting, strong, quickly, quietly, hear, mouse, sharp, curved, beaks, tears, meat, bits, powerful, pounce, talons, grab, carry, food.
  • Multiple choice exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Learn new words: orthodontist, braces, flour, hope, wonder.
  • Review words: think, know, flower, pretend, imagine, wish, want.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: a helping hand.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: cancelled/cancel(s)/will cancel, thought/think(s)/will think, hoped/hope(s)/will hope, wondered/wonder(s)/will wonder.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is cancelling, are/is thinking, hoping, wondering.
  • Introduce past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was hoping, were/was wondering.
  • Review contractions with “will”: I’ll, you’ll, they’ll, we’ll, she’ll, he’ll.
  • Introduce contractions with “would”: I’d, you’d, they’d, we’d, she’d, he’d.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Fill in the blank exercise the practice differentiating from context the words “flower” and “flour.”
  • Review and practice the differences between: wonder/hope, pretend/imagine, wish/want, think/know.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed” to words: cancelled, hoped.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: cancelling, hoping.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Read and learn facts about owls.
  • Owl Facts Vocabulary: travel, different, areas, hunt, often, pick, rest, adult, young, stay, next, learn, fly, ground, babies, hatched, soft, fluffy, feathers, called, owlets
  • Multiple choice exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Review concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by identifying facts and opinions about baby owls.
  • Learn new words: onstage, melted, tucked, embarrassed, embarrassing, art show, bake-off, fashion show, mistake, frosted, frosting, enjoy.
  • Review words: talent show, landed, wrong, right, runway, organize, plan, try, hide.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: drop off, took turns.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: enjoyed/enjoy(s)/will enjoy, took turns/take(s) turns/will take turns, tried/try, tries/will try, hid/hide(s)/will hide.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is enjoying, are/is taking turns, are/is trying, are/is hiding.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was enjoying, were/was taking turns, were/was trying, were/was hiding.
  • Introduce modal verbs with past participle grammar: never should have, should never have, should not have, shouldn’t have, never would have, would never have, would not have, wouldn’t have, couldn’t have, could not have, could never have, never could have.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Review and practice the difference between “embarrassed” and “embarrassing.”
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: tried, tries.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: taking turns, hiding.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice combining sentences with the same verb to make one sentence as a list.
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write descriptive sentences about baby owls using adjectives.

6. Owl Diaries: Baxter is Missing

  • Read and learn facts about bats.
  • Bat Facts Vocabulary: bats, kinds, webbed, wings, furry, bodies, baby, called, pups, mother, wraps, wings, around, upside down, hang, hold on, claws.
  • Review concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by identifying facts and opinions about bats.
  • Learn new words: group, still, chase.
  • Review words: me too, me either, daytime, nighttime, asleep, awake, starting, making, taking, off to, first, second, third, lose, wearing, enough.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: speaking of, dressed in, too many, too much.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: chased/chase(s)/will chase, lost/lose(s)/will lose.
  • Fill in the blank exercise to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is chasing, are/is losing.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was chasing, were/was losing.
  • Introduce collocations with “starting”, “making”, and “taking”.
  • Review adjectives and practice using multiple adjectives in one sentence.
  • Introduce using “too many” with countable nouns and “too much” with uncountable nouns.
  • Review question structure for questions starting with “be” verbs “Is” and “Are” for countable/uncountable nouns. Multiple choice exercise to practice.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed” to words: chased.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: chasing, losing.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Review “being” + noun sentence structure and use adjectives to describe how you feel about being different things. Write and present your sentences.
  • Read and learn facts about bats.
  • Bat Facts Vocabulary: bats, dark, squeak, sound, helps, find, way, food, night, eat, fruit, catch, insects, flying, morning, cave, live, together, sleeping, homes, buildings, high up, trees.
  • Multiple choice exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Review concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by identifying facts and opinions about bats.
  • Learn new words: awesome, comic strip, photographs, receive, pieces, modern art, lead, steal, famous, scenes, fault, opened, sniff, everywhere, anywhere, missing, awful.
  • Review words: get, tell, create, fly, write, flap, fantastic, movies, books, mistake, wrong, loan, borrow, open, go, fly, lost, find, terrible.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: pulled out, took out, got out, acted out, clean up, What’s the matter?, What happened?, What’s wrong?, sniff__out.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: led/lead(s)/will lead, stole/steal(s)/will steal, received/receive(s)/will receive, told/tell(s)/will tell, created/create(s)/will create, wrote/write(s)/will write, opened/open(s)/will open, went/go(es)/will go, flew/fly, flies/will fly.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is leading, are/is stealing, are/is receiving, are/is telling, are/is creating, are/is writing, are/is opening, are/is going, are/is flying.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was leading, were/was stealing, were/was receiving, were/was telling, were/was creating, were/was writing, were/was opening, were/was going, were/was flying.
  • Introduce past participle tense and past participle tense + modal verb: were/was gone, must have flown.
  • Review adverbs: always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never, probably, maybe, probably not.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: goes, flies.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: receiving, creating, writing.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Practice combining sentences with the same verb to make one sentence as a list.
  • Create and present a comic strip about Boo and his friends.
  • Read and learn facts about bats.
  • Bat Facts Vocabulary: insects, insect-eating, usually, size, fruit-eating, sweet, fruits, other, plants, hunt, larger, prey, frogs, birds, mice, bodies, four, fingers, thumb, thin, layer, skin, connects, forms, wing.
  • Watch a video about baby bats.
  • Review concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by identifying facts and opinions about bats.
  • Learn new words: symbol, sign, meet, recess, cuddle, owners.
  • Review words: hang, open, closed, missing, hug, dress up in, hear, clue, near, far, far away, far from, search.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: put up, hung up, took down, hand out, give out, a bunch of~, no sign of~, break time, close by, near by, look for.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: hung up/hang(s) up/will hang up, took down/take(s) down/will take down, handed out/hand(s) out/will hand out, met/meet(s)/will meet, heard/hear(s)/will hear.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is hanging up, are/is taking down, are/is handing out, are/is meeting, are/is hearing.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was hanging up, were/was taking down, were/was handing out, was/were meeting, was/were hearing.
  • Review past participle tense: were/was taken down.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: taking down.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Read and learn facts about bats.
  • Bat Facts Vocabulary: echolocation, sound, object, bounces, echo, size, called, far away, pups, depend, born, blind, hairless, nurse, wings, strong, enough, fur.
  • Watch a video about bat echolocation.
  • Review concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by identifying facts and opinions about bats.
  • Learn new words: magnifying glass, blame, hero, save, squeezing, stuffing, get stuck, grabbed, twisted, twig, twig hoop, incredible.
  • Review words: rocks, leaves, colorful, fault, know branch, stick, hoop.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: really closely, going missing, speak up, throw a party, save files, save money, save the date, save the Earth, save the animals, save water, save electricity, darted over, peeked in.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: knew/know(s)/will know, spoke up/speak(s) up/will speak up, got stuck/get(s) stuck/will get stuck.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is speaking up, are/is getting stuck.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: was/were speaking up, was were getting stuck.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Learn collocations with “save”. Practice with a matching exercise.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: getting.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present descriptive sentences using adjectives to give your opinion about squirrels, bats, and owls.
  • Read and learn facts about bats.
  • Bat Facts Vocabulary: rainstorms, Australia, ground, wildlife, rescue, hospital, wrapped, blankets, bottles, mammals, animals, young, backbone, nurse, warm-blooded, hair, hanging, hunting, hiding, roost, caves, treetops, attics, upside down.
  • Watch a video about a bat rescue.
  • Watch a video about mammals.
  • Multiple choice exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Learn new words: party
  • Review words: forget, remember, party, choose, think.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: forgot/forget(s)/will forget, partied/party, parties/will party, chose/choose(s)/will choose, thought/think(s)/will think.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is forgetting, are/is partying, are/is choosing, are/is thinking.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was forgetting, were/was partying, were/was choosing, were/was thinking.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: forgetting, choosing.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: chooses.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Practice combining sentences with the same subject to make one sentence as a list.

7. Owl Diaries: Eva Sees a Ghost

  • Read and learn facts about the forest.
  • In the Forest Facts Vocabulary: forest, living, nonliving, alive, animals, plants, things, food, water, sunlight, rocks, eat, drink, air, alike, move, change, energy, fire, dead, once, flowers.
  • Fill in the blank, matching, and multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Learn new words: questionnaire, patterns, semicircles, horizontal lines, vertical lines, diagonal lines, crosses, stinky, cuddly, funky, horrible, allergic, shimmery.
  • Review words: me too, me either, circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, yucky, colorful, start, finish, whisper, stormy, spooky, silly.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: started/start(s)/will start, finished/finish(es)/will finish, whispered/whisper(s)/will whisper.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is starting, are/is finishing, are/is whispering.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was starting, were/was finishing, were/was whispering.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to review past, present, and future tense verbs.
  • Review adjective + noun sentence structure.
  • Review plural/singular subject/verb agreement for past/present “be” verbs with multiple choice exercise.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Fill in the blank exercise for adjective review.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: finishes.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present sentences about things you like and don’t like using adjectives and nouns.
  • Read and learn facts about the forest.
  • In the Forest Facts Vocabulary: spring, leaves, trees, flowers, pours, forest floor, sunlight, animals, born, fur, blends, stay, safe, deer, brown, color, hide, babies, summer, block, reaching, fruits, berries, nuts, ripe, throughout, chatter, busy, fills, warm, grow.
  • Write and present sentences using new vocabulary about baby animals in the spring.
  • Learn new words: appeared, disappeared, swooped, dived, dove, genius, smart, average, squirrel, guard, swampy.
  • Review words: twig, thunder, lightning, creature, swamp, carry, spooky, scary, white, strange, yummy, huge, furry, windy, eat, see, hear.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: a clap of thunder, a twig snap, out of nowhere, as fast as ___ could carry ___, guard duty, whooshing sounds, a bit ___, super ___, pretty ___.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: carried/carry, carries/will carry, ate/eat(s)/will eat, saw/see(s)/will see, heard/hear(s)/will hear, was, were/are, is, am/will be.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is carrying, are/is eating, are/is seeing, are/is hearing, are/is being.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was carrying, were/was eating, were/was seeing, were/was hearing, were/was being.
  • Review past participle tense: have/has eaten, have/has seen, have/has heard, have/has been.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to practice past tense vs. past participle tense.
  • Dialogue to practice using past participle tense to talk about your experiences.
  • Review adjective + noun sentence structure.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for words ending in “y”: carried, carries
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present sentences using new adjectives. Practice using adjective + noun grammar structure.
  • Write and present sentences to give your opinion about various topics using super/pretty/a bit + adjective.
  • Read and learn facts about the forest.
  • In the Forest Facts Vocabulary: begin, shorten, chillier, less, sunlight, start, lose, drop, cover, forest floor, chipmunks, squirrels, gather, acorns, hide, nuts, nests, work hard, save, later, short, low, slow down, empty, quiet, still, hibernate, heartbeats, stay warm, dens, others, caves, beaver, hauls, heavy, log, each, helps, bigger, wall, dam, safe, flowing, forms, pond, level, rises, grow, plants, cardinal, lands, bush, bright, berries, away, land, part, drops, throughout, seeds, scatter, bushes.
  • Watch a video about how owls fly.
  • Learn new words: dreaming, nightdreaming, daydreaming, chat.
  • Review words: think, know, imagine, embarrassing, embarrassed, questionnaire, me either.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: scaredy-cat, wish __ luck, good luck, booming sound, I can’t wait for ____.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: chatted/chat(s)/will chat.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is chatting.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: was/were chatting.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to practice past tense vs. past continuous tense.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Dialogue to practice using new expression “I can’t wait for ___.”
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: chatting.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed” to words: chatted.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Fill out a questionnaire and present your answers about how you chat with your friends.
  • Write and present a list of things you can’t wait for.
  • Read and learn facts about the forest and snowy owls.
  • In the Forest Facts Vocabulary: animals, plants, forest, streams, ponds, shade, water, cool, fungi, grow, feed, things, died, wood, soil.
  • Snowy Owls Facts Vocabulary: male(s), female(s), snowy owls, feathers, North America, warm, adult, white, hide, snow, hunt, listen, watch, pretty, talons, mammals, birds, lemmings.
  • Fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Learn new words: shaking, stick, introduce, apologize, invite.
  • Review words: scared, scary, spooky, happy, crazy, silly, furry, funny, hungry.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: wide open, the front of, the back of, stuck my ___ out.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: stuck/stick(s)/will stick, introduced/introduce(s)/will introduce, apologized, apologize(s), will apologize, invited/invite(s)/will invite.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is sticking, are/is introducing, are/is apologizing, are/is inviting.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was sticking, were/was introducing, were/was apologizing, were/was inviting.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to practice past, present and future tense verbs.
  • Review comparative and superlative adjectives.
  • Introduce pronouns with “ever”: whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however, whichever.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Practice spelling rules for adjectives ending in “y” when changing to comparative or superlative adjectives: spookier, spookiest, happier, happiest, crazier, craziest, sillier, silliest, furrier, furriest, funnier, funniest, hungrier, hungriest.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: introduces, apologizes.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: introducing, apologizing, inviting.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.

8. Owl Diaries: Eva and Baby Mo

  • Read and learn facts about an owl rescue, snowy owls, and baby animals.
  • Owl Rescue Facts Vocabulary: rescue, rescued, found, worker, Rockefeller Center, Christmas tree.
  • Snowy Owls Facts Vocabulary: snowy owl, flaps, wings, glides, air, swoops, tree, food, snatches, mouse.
  • Baby Animal Facts Vocabulary: squirrels, born, cozy, nest, fur, eyes, closed, climb, eight, weeks.
  • Watch a video about baby owls.
  • Review concept of “fact” and “opinion” and practice the difference by identifying facts and opinions about baby owls and baby squirrels.
  • Learn new words: hobby, hobbies, detective, champion, trophy.
  • Review words: me too, me either, beautiful, hoot, swoop, choose, new, old, clues, contest winner, pick, gather, collect.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: super-duper, brand-new.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: chose/choose(s)/will choose, picked/pick(s)/will pick.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is choosing, are/is picking.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was choosing, were/was picking.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to practice past, present and future tense verbs.
  • Watch a video by the author/illustrator Rebecca Elliot introducing this book.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: chooses.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: choosing.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present a list of Eva’s hobbies.
  • Read and learn facts about baby animals.
  • Baby Animal Facts Vocabulary: burrow, ground, hole, animal, live, rabbits, kits, born, deep, drink, milk, few, weeks, month, spend, outside, bear, cubs, born, twos, threes, den, home, cave, foxes, mother, give birth, first time, midwinter, peek out, learn.
  • Multiple choice exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Learn new words: convince, prove, exit, poops, dribbles, beg, moves.
  • Review words: before, show, enter, practicing, peeked.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: used to, go in, go out, take part in, that’s brilliant, that’s a great idea, peeked in on.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: begged/beg(s)/will beg/*will be begging.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is begging.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: was/were begging.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to practice past, present and future tense verbs.
  • Multiple choice exercise to review plural/singular subject/verb agreement with “be” verbs.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed” to words: begged.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: begging.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Write and present sentences about things you used to do and things you do now.
  • Read and learn facts about baby animals.
  • Baby Animal Facts Vocabulary: fox, cubs, dens, hole, ground, animals, live, peek, wide-eyed, sights, sounds, explore, hear, furry, kangaroo, joey, birth, size, jellybean, climbs, mother’s pouch, spends, six, months
  • Write and present sentences using new vocabulary about baby foxes and baby kangaroos.
  • Learn new words: pinecones, acorns, nervous, recognize, lullaby, funny, tricky, fabulous, burp, splash, tidy.
  • Review words: twigs, worried, belongs, practiced, fluffy, different, What’s the matter?, What’s wrong?, crawl.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: testing them out, trying them out.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: burped/burp(s)/will burp, splashed/splash(es)/will splash, crawled/crawl(s)/will crawl, tidied/tidy, tidies/will tidy.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is splashing, are/is crawling, are/is tidying.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was splashing, were/was crawling, were/was tidying.
  • Fill in the blank exercises to practice past, present and future tense verbs.
  • Multiple choice exercise to review subject/object/possessive pronouns.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ed” to words: tidied.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: tidies, splashes.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
  • Read and learn facts about baby animals.
  • Baby Animal Facts Vocabulary: deer, fawn, leaps, senses, danger, hides, leaves, speckled pattern.
  • Write and present sentences using new vocabulary about baby deer.
  • Learn new words: mic, announce, mayor, remind.
  • Review words: sparkly, apologized, embarrassed, weird, microphone, remember.
  • Learn phrases, idioms, collocations: help out.
  • Review concept of past tense verbs, present tense verbs, and future tense verbs: announced/announce(s)/will announce.
  • Review present continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: are/is announcing.
  • Review past continuous tense to talk about ~ing verbs: were/was announcing.
  • Introduce the difference between “remind” and “remember.”
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter, page numbers.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice exercises that require searching the text for reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to words: announcing.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: announces.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Complete sentences to answer comprehension questions about the story. Use subject, object, and possessive pronouns.