Storybooks Made Easy

Intermediate Reading


  Storybooks Made Easy 과정은 전세계 영어권 국가 어린이들에게 사랑받고 있는 Scholastic 출판사의 Acorn 시리즈를 중심으로  수업을 진행합니다. Scholastic 출판사는 책의 수준에 따라 A~Z Level로 분류하고 있습니다. Intermediate Reading 과정은 영미권의 초등학교 1~2학년 학생 수준에 해당하는 G, H Level의 책을 선별하여 커리큘럼을 구성하였습니다. 관련된 내용은 Scholastic 홈페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

Book Title Scholastic Guided Reading Level School Grade Word Count
Fox Tails: The Great Bunk Bed Battle
Princess Truly: I Can Build It!
Fox Tails: The Giant Ice Cream Mess
Fox Tails: The Biggest Roller Coaster
Princess Truly: I Am A Good Friend
Princess Truly: Off I Go!

  본 과정은 단순히 책의 내용을 읽고 이해하는 것에 그치지 않고 학생들의 생각을 말해보고, 이야기의 교훈을 알아보는 과정을 통해 보다 심화된 이해를 유도합니다. 그리고 이야기에 나온 주제와 관련된 보다 폭넓은 어휘와 문법으로 발전시킬 수 있도록 수업이 진행됩니다. 또한 각 책에 대한 학습이 끝나면, 학생들이 주인공이 되어 대본연습을 하듯 책을 읽어나가는 Reader’s Theater 수업을 통해 영어를 유창하고 자연스럽게 읽을 수 있도록 연습합니다.


  Phonics 등 영어에 대한 기초가 확립된 학생들에게 적합하며, 학원 다닌 경우에는 최소 1년 이상 영어를 배운 학생들에게 추천합니다. 


  본 과정은 Intermediate Reading 1, 2로 나누어지며 각각 3권의 책으로 구성됩니다. 1권의 책으로 대략 4주 정도 수업이 진행되어 과정별로 12주 정도에 걸쳐서 진행될 예정이지만, 학생들의 참여도에 따라 더 빠르게 진행될 수도 있고 천천히 진행될 수 있습니다.


Intermediate Reading​ 1

1. Fox Tails: The Great Bunk Bed Battle

  • Review days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
  • Review colors: purple, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, brown, white, gray, tan.
  • Learn animals words: zoo, kangaroo, camel, lion, tiger, panda, zebra, hippo, elephant, peacock, seal, flamingo, lizard, alligator, monkey, giraffe.
  • Review correct question and answer structure.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Learn language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Review numbers: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
  • Learn the /ch/ sound as in “chips” words: chips, chicks, chicken, checkup, child, children.
  • Learn the /igh/ sound as in “high” words: night, light, fight, might, right, high.
  • Review correct question and answer structure.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling character names and new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Review the /oo/ as in “book” words: good, look, book, cook, hood, foot.
  • Learn the /oo/ as in “food” words: moon, food, boots, spoon, tooth, tools, zoo.
  • Additional words: animal, human, teeth.
  • Review correct question and answer structure.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling character names and new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present an opinion sentence about which bunk bed you prefer (top or bottom) and why.
  • Learn the /kn/ as in “know” words: know, knock, knife, knee, kneel, knight.
  • Learn the /wa/ as in “water” words: water, wash, walk, wand, wallet, watch.
  • Review correct question and answer structure.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.

2. Princess Truly: I Can Build It!

  • Learn the /ou/ as in “house” words: house, mouse, count, couch, hour, sour, loud, mouth, cloud, ground, mountain, fountain.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: on, in, next to, at
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Review “family” words: family, mommy, daddy, baby
  • Learn the /er/ sound as in “sister” words: sister, brother, mother, grandmother, father, grandfather, teacher, farmer, baker, builder, worker, monster
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: on, under, in.
  • Introduce adding “s” or “es” to words that end in /s/, /z/, /ss/, /x/, /sh/, /ch/, /tch/ to make plural nouns or singular verbs.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Learn spelling rules for adding “s” or “es” to words to make plural nouns: houses, roses, hoses, noses, mazes, foxes, boxes, mixes, fixes, washes, wishes, dishes, watches, witches, lunches, matches, buses, dresses, glasses, classes.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn the /ou/ sound as in “cow” words: cow, wow, owl, down, town, towel, frown, crown, brown, clown, shower, flower.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: on, in, next to, in front of.
  • Introduce singular present tense verbs must go with a singular subject and plural present tense verbs must go with a plural subject.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn the /air/ as in “air” words: air, hair, pair, fair, fairy, chair, stairs, airport, airplane.
  • Learn the /ear/ as in “pear” words: pear, bear, wear.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Introduce adding “er” to words to make comparative adjectives: longer, shorter, bigger, taller, smaller, fatter, higher, lower.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those for singular and plural nouns.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Learn spelling rules for adding “er” to make comparative adjectives.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.

3. Fox Tails: The Giant Ice Cream Mess

  • Learn the /o/ as in “love” words: love, dove, above, glove(s), some, none, come, go, month(s), money, honey, monkey.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with multiple choice exercise.
  • Introduce pronouns: any, some, none. Practice correct question and answer structure with fill in the blank exercise.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn /ing/ as in “sing” words: sing, ring, king, wing, swing, things.
  • Learn /oo/ as in “school” words: school, room, bedroom, living room, dining room, classroom, broom.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: near.
  • Introduce adding “ing” to verbs to make present continuous tense verbs: playing, saying, going, doing, walking, talking, eating, reading, sleeping, building, singing, swinging, coming, having, riding, hiding, baking, taking, swimming, hopping, mopping, sitting, hitting, giving, getting, hiking, climbing, painting, jumping, blowing, watching, hugging, pulling, cooking, pushing, washing, wearing, dressing up.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Introduce spelling rules for adding “ing” to verbs to make present continuous tense verbs.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn /tion/ as in “nation” words: nation, decorations, vacation, addition, subtraction, question.
  • Learn words: same, different.
  • Learn “music” words: music, drum(s), guitar, piano, violin, horn.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review possessive pronouns: his, her.
  • Introduce possessive nouns by adding “ ’s ” to a name.
  • Matching exercise to practice matching possessive nouns with their pronouns.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn “job” words: musician, magician, director, fashion designer, idol, YouTube creator, computer game designer, robot engineer, scientist, dentist, police officer, chef.
  • Review “job” words: doctor, nurse, vet, artist, office worker, teacher, baker, builder, farmer.
  • Review “taste” words: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review pronouns: this, that for singular nouns.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling for numbers 1-10.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.

Intermediate Reading 2

4. Fox Tails: The Biggest Roller Coaster

  • Learn “amusement park” words: amusement park, teacups, ring toss, Viking ship, bumper cars, roller coaster, merry-go-round, Ferris wheel, giant drop, haunted house, castle, airplanes, train, race cars.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: near.
  • Review and learn comparative adjectives: taller, shorter, louder, faster.
  • Introduce new sight word “than” and sentence structure to compare two things.
  • Introduce new sight word “enough” and sentence structure with adjectives: tall enough, not tall enough.
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with multiple choice exercise.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review adding “er” to words to make comparative adjectives.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write opinion sentences about which ride I want to go on and whether I like roller coasters and why or why not.
  • Learn more “amusement park” words: ticket(s), ticket booth, snacks, treats, ice cream cart, hotdog cart, drink cart, popcorn cart, cotton candy cart, lemonade, juice, milk, soda, water.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: near.
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with multiple choice exercise.
  • Review and learn comparative adjectives: older, younger.
  • Review sentence structure to compare two things.
  • Review adjectives “big” and “small” and introduce adjectives “big” and “little” to describe brothers and sisters.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review adding “er” to words to make comparative adjectives.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn /ea/ as in “head” words: head(s), dead, bread, spread, thread, measure, treasure.
  • Learn /ture/ as in “picture” words: picture, nature, creature, furniture.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with multiple choice exercise.
  • Review dialogue “asks” and introduce “answers.”
  • Review quotation marks.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write an opinion sentence about whether I like race cars and why or why not.
  • Learn the /eigh/ as in “eight” words: eight, weight, neighbor(s), neighborhood.
  • Learn the /eigh/ as in “height” word: height
  • Learn the /y/ as in “sky” words: buy, guy, sky, fly, cry, try, fry (fries), dry
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: buying, flying, trying, building, eating, singing, looking, watching, kicking, playing, riding, hiking, making, taking, baking, hopping, swimming, sitting, hitting, doing, having, eating, drinking.
  • Introduce rules for when to use the prepositions “in” and “on” for things that we ride on.
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with multiple choice exercise.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Multiple choice listening quizzes to practice listening and vocabulary review.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present an opinion sentence to say which ride Fritz and Franny should go on next.

5. Princess Truly: I Am A Good Friend

  • Learn /uni/ words as in “unicorn”: unicorn, uniform, universe, university.
  • Learn /eer/ words as in “deer”: deer, cheer, steer, volunteer(s), engineer.
  • Learn and review “feelings” words: happy, unhappy, not happy, sad, angry, mad, grumpy, cool, surprised, confused.
  • Review words: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
  • Introduce words: past, present, future.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Introduce concept of past tense and present tense verbs:
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs:
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with multiple choice exercise.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary and grammar review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn “sports” words: team, teammate(s), win, lose, soccer, soccer field, soccer ball, goalie, clean, beach, great, together, apart, friend(s), student(s).
  • Learn “story” words: story, begin, beginning, end, ending.
  • Learn and review “time” words: calendar, week, days of the week, month(s), year, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, night, past, present, future.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense and present tense verbs:
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs:
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with multiple choice exercise.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary and grammar review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn and review more “feelings” words: sleepy, hungry, thirsty, bored, tired, scared, excited, hot.
  • Learn /old/ as in “old” words: old, cold, fold, scold.
  • Learn more “sports” words: sports, ice skating, badminton, tennis, table tennis, Ping-Pong, yoga, martial arts, golf, mini-golf, basketball, baseball, football, swimming, ballet, dancing, exercise, coach, parents, score, kick, hit, throw, catch.
  • Review words: yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, future.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of past tense and present tense verbs: kicked/kick(s), hit/hit(s), threw/throw(s), caught/catch(es).
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: are/is, coach(es), catch(es), score(s), kick(s), hit(s), throw(s).
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement with multiple choice exercise.
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: dancing, swimming, ice skating, exercising, playing, doing.
  • Introduce rule for when to use “playing” and when to use “doing” with sports words.
  • Introduce concept of adding a “be” verb (is/are) before present continuous verbs.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary and grammar review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review rules for adding “es” to words that end in “ch” or “tch” sound: coaches, catches.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn /u/ as in “pull” words: put, pull, push.
  • Learn “clothing” words: clothing, clothes, pants, shorts, T-shirt, skirt, blouse, dress, scarf, sweater, winter hat, mitten(s), sneakers, slippers, pajamas, jacket, belt, bow.
  • Review “clothing” words: vest, tie, coat, robe, shoes, socks, cap, cape, gloves, boots.
  • Review words: yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, future, question, answer.
  • Introduce collocation: thinking about.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: are/is, swim(s), wear(s), think(s), know(s), give(s), take(s), put(s), push(es), pull(s).
  • Review concept of past tense and present tense verbs: swam/swim(s), wore/wear(s), thought/think(s), knew/know(s), gave/give(s), took/take(s), put/put(s), pushed/push(es), pulled/pull(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: swimming, putting, giving, taking, wearing, pulling, pushing, thinking.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary and grammar review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs.
  • Review rules for adding “es” to words that end in “sh” sound: pushes.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.

6. Princess Truly: Off I Go!

  • Learn “story” words: library, librarian, fairy tale, fantasy, make-believe, pretend, imagine, magic, magician, enchanted, storyteller, story time.
  • Review words: yesterday, today, tomorrow
  • Review words: “win” and “lose” and compare with “find” and “lose.”
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: on, above, next to, in.
  • Review concept of past tense and present tense verbs: read/read(s), found/find(s), lost/lose(s).
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: read(s), find(s), lose(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: pretending.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review language to talk about the parts of a book: front cover, title, storybook, characters, author, illustrator, publisher, copyright page, back cover, series, setting, chapter.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: loses.
  • Introduce spelling rule to make plural nouns for nouns ending in “y”: stories, libraries, fantasies, fairies.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn more “story” words: bookshelf, stack of books, stand, sit, character(s), space, setting, floor, door, check out, renew, please, thank you, again.
  • Review words: desk, chair, books, story, beginning, ending, yesterday, today, tomorrow.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: over, on, above, under, in, between.
  • Review concept of past tense and present tense verbs: sat/sit(s), stood/stand(s), watched/watch(es).
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: sit(s), stand(s), watch(es), check(s) out, renew(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: reading, sitting, wearing, having, pretending, flying, getting, checking out, renewing.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank exercise for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “s/es” to words: watches.
  • Review spelling rules for adding “ing” to make present continuous verbs: sitting, having, getting.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Learn words: sing, sang, listen, hear, speak, talk, tell, whisper, shout, yell, giggling, laughing.
  • Review words: loud, quiet, read, write, think, imagine.
  • Introduce new sight words: who, which.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review prepositions of place: on, at, in, above.
  • Review concept of past tense and present tense verbs: heard/hear(s), sang/sing(s), told/tell(s).
  • Review concept of singular and plural present tense verbs: hear(s), sing(s), tell(s).
  • Review adding “ing” to words to make present continuous verbs: telling, listening, laughing, whispering, speaking, shouting, singing, talking.
  • Review question/answer structure and comprehension with fill in the blank and matching exercise: is/isn’t, are/aren’t.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Engage in discussion about the text to increase reading comprehension.
  • Practice reading aloud for fluency and pronunciation.
  • Matching and fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.
  • Write and present opinion sentences to practice answering questions with “Who” and “Which.”
  • Review “shapes” words: circle, oval, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon.
  • Learn “technology” words: phone, headphones, photo, picture, camera, selfie, texting.
  • Learn collocation: these days
  • Learn new contraction: who’s
  • Review sight word: which
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review singular/plural subject/verb agreement for questions and answers with fill in the blank exercise.
  • Review pronouns: this, that, these, those.
  • Review comparative adjectives: taller, shorter, older, younger, higher, lower, older, newer, louder, quieter.
  • Introduce superlative adjectives: loudest, quietest.
  • Review sentence structure with comparative adjectives and learn sentence structure for superlative adjectives.
  • Have a reader’s theater performance of all three chapters for students to demonstrate their fluency and pronunciation.
  • Fill in the blank exercises for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension practice with story reading.
  • Practice spelling new vocabulary.
  • Review spelling rule for adding “er” to make comparative adjectives.
  • Learn spelling rule for adding “est” to make superlative adjectives.
Writing and Presentation:
  • Write and present an opinion sentence to say which book you like best.
  • Write and present a mini book report about your favorite book.
  • Write a sentence about and discuss what you are reading, watching, and listening to these days.
  • Practice scanning the text to find information to complete a sentence.
  • Review dialogue tags and quotation marks.