Reading Made Easy



  본 과정은 Reading 과정을 진행하기 위한 필요한 어휘, 문법, 발음 등을 배우는 과정입니다. 단모음, 장모음으로 구분하여 단어를 정확히 읽는 법을 배울 수 있으며, 이 단계부터는 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기(발음), 문법 능력을 골고루 배양하기 위한 커리큘럼이 적용됩니다. 복수의 문장을 유창하게 이어서 읽는 연습 진행하고, 간단한 대화를 익히고 이와 관련된 문법을 익히게 됩니다.


  파닉스를 마친 상태에서 간단한 문장 읽기가 가능한 수준의 학생에게 권장되는 과정입니다. 레벨 테스트를 통해 정확한 수준 평가가 필요하겠지만 일반적으로는 학원에서 6개월~1년 정도 수업을 들은 경우 이 과정부터 시작하는 것이 가능합니다. 


  본 과정은 총 17개의 Lesson으로 구성되어 있으며, 전체 수업은 10~12주 정도의 기간동안 진행됩니다. 학생들의 참여도에 따라 더 빠르게 진행될 수도 있고 천천히 진행될 수 있습니다.


  • Review sight words learned to date: have, has, is, are, a, the.
  • Review short vowel “a” sounds: apple, alligator, ant, astronaut, attic, ax.
  • Introduce long vowel “Aa” sound: angel, aliens, apron.
  • Introduce letter combination “ai”: mail, sail, tail, pail, quail, pain, paint.
  • Read sentences containing “ai” such as:
    “The boy has a pain.” “The quail has a bug.” “The girl has a mop and a pail.”
  • Read additional “ail” words: tail, mail, nail, pail, rail, hail, quail, sail, fail.
  • Read additional “ain” words: rain, main, gain, pain, paint.
  • Review sight word “is.”
  • Introduce contraction “isn’t.”
  • Introduce the words “yes” and “no.”
  • Introduce the use of a question mark and begin reading questions.
  • Read question and answer sentences containing “is,” “isn’t,” “yes,” and “no.”  For example:
    “Is the cat fat? Yes, it is.” “Is the cat fat? No, it isn’t.”
  • Multiple choice for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review sight words: has, have, yes, no, is, isn’t.
  • Review long vowel “Aa” sound.
  • Review “ai” words: tail, mail, nail, pail, rail, hail, fail, sail, quail, rain, main, gain, pain, paint.
  • Introduce long vowel “a” words with “a_e” format.
  • Introduce letter combination “ake”: cake, bake, rake, lake. 
  • Introduce letter combination “ame”: game, name.
  • Introduce letter combination “ave”: cave, wave.
  • Introduce letter combination “ate”: gate, late, date.
  • Read sentences such as: “The girl has a cake.” “The boy can bake.”
  • Introduce sight word “they.”
  • Use “they” in sentences. For example:
    “The boys can rake. They can rake.” “The kids are at the lake. They are at the lake.”
  • Read additional “ake” words: rake, take, make, fake, lake, bake.
  • Read additional “ame” words: game, name, fame, lame, tame, same.
  • Read additional “ave” words: wave, save, pave, cave, gave, Dave.
  • Read additional “ate” words: gate, late, date, rate, hate, Nate.
  • Review “is” and “isn’t” questions and answers:
    “Is the rat sad? Yes, it is.” “Is the ant sad? No, it isn’t.”
  • Introduce contraction “can’t.”
  • Read question and answer sentences containing “can” and “can’t”:
    “Can the kids jump? Yes, they can.” “Can the rocks jump? No, they can’t.” “Can the ducks quack? Yes, they can.” “Can the pigs quack? No, they can’t.”
  • Spelling practice to identify beginning phonic sounds for vocabulary words previously learned.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review sight words: have, are, yes, no, is, isn’t.
  • Review contraction “can’t”
  • Review sight word “they.”
  • Review long vowel “a” sound: angel, apron, aliens.
  • Review “ai,” “ake,” “ame,” “ave,” “ate” words.
  • Introduce the letter combination “ay”: hay, pay, play.
  • Read additional “ay” words: play, pay, day, hay, say, way, bay, May, Ray, Fay.
  • Read sentences with “ay” such as:
    “The kids can play in the hay. They can play in the hay.”
  • Introduce the words “tent” and “puppet.”
  • Use “tent” and “puppet” in sentences such as:
    “The toys are in the tent.” “The boy has a puppet.”
  • Introduce the sight words “he” and “she.”                                      
  • Use “he” and “she” in sentences such as:
    “The boy can play in the band. He can play in the band.” “The girl can play in the sand. She can play in the sand.”
  • Review question and answer sentences containing “is,” “isn’t,” “he,” and “she.”
  • Review question and answer sentences containing “can” and “can’t.”
  • Introduce contraction “aren’t.”
  • Read question and answer sentences containing “are” and “aren’t.” For example:
    “Are the boys in the tent? Yes, they are.” “Are the boys in the tent? No, they aren’t.”
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review the sight words and contractions: can, can’t, is, isn’t, are, aren’t.
  • Review additional sight words: the, they, has, have, yes, no.
  • Review the sight words “he” and “she.”
  • Review word “puppet” and introduce plural form, “puppets.”
  • Introduce the sight word “with.”
  • Use “with” in sentences such as: “The kids can play with the puppets. They can play with the puppets.”
  • Introduce the long vowel “Ii” sound: ice cream, ibis, island.
  • Review “ay” words: play, hay, day, say, way, lay.
  • Read long vowel “Ii” words with “i_e” format:
  • Introduce letter combination “ike”: bike, hike, Mike.
  • Introduce letter combination “ite”: kite, bite.
  • Introduce letter combination “ide”: ride, hide.
  • Introduce letter combination “ime”: lime, time.
  • Introduce letter combination “ie”: pie, tie.
  • Introduce the sight words “my” and “I.”
  • Read question and answer sentences containing “is,” “can,” and “are.” For example:
    “Is the bike big? Yes, it is.” “Is the bike big? No, it isn’t.”
  • “Can the kids hike? Yes, they can.” “Can the cups hike? No, they can’t.”
  • “Are the kites sad? Yes, they are.” “Are the kites sad? No, they aren’t.”
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Matching exercise for reading comprehension.
  • Spelling practice to identify beginning phonic sounds for vocabulary words previously learned.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review the sight words and contractions: can, can’t, is, isn’t, are, aren’t.
  • Review additional sight words: he, she, with, they, I, my.
  • Introduce compound words. Review “back pack” and join the words to make the compound word “backpack.” Different colors are used to help students see individual words “back” and “pack.”
  • Introduce additional compound words: laptop, cupcake, mailbox, sandbox, hotdog, pancakes,
  • Introduce the sight word “do.”
  • Read sentences with “do” such as: “Do the kids have hotdogs? Yes, they do.”
  • Introduce the sight word “don’t.”
  • Read sentences with “do” and “don’t” such as: “Do the kids have a mailbox? No, they don’t.”
  • Introduce the sight word “does.”
  • Read sentences with “does” such as: “Does the boy have a pancake? Yes, he does.”
  • Introduce the sight word “doesn’t.”
  • Read sentences with “does” and “doesn’t” such as:
    “Does the boy have a pancake? No, he doesn’t.”
  • Review long vowel “i” words such as: lime, kite, tie, bike, etc.
  • Review sight words “my” and “I.”
  • Continue reading questions beginning with “Is,” “Can,” “Are,” and “Does.”
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Review the sight words and contractions: can, can’t, is, isn’t, are, aren’t.
  • Review additional sight words: he, she, with, they, I, my.
  • Review long vowel “a” words such as: cake, pain, rake, pail, bake, mail.
  • Introduce the new long vowel “a” word “cape.”
  • Review the sight word “box.”
  • Introduce plurals: boxes, foxes.
  • Review: do, don’t, does, doesn’t.
  • Introduce the word “what.”
  • Read sentences with the sight words “do, does, doesn’t, and what” such as:
    “Do the boys have cupcakes? No, they don’t.” “What do they have? They have capes.” “Does the girl have a mailbox? No, she doesn’t. What does she have? She has a cupcake.”
  • Review sight words “my” and “I.”
  • Continue reading questions beginning with “Is,” “Can,” and “Are.”
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Review the sight words and contractions: can, can’t, is, isn’t, are, aren’t, do, don’t, does, doesn’t, what, with.
  • Introduce the contraction “it’s.”
  • Explain concept of rhyming with the words: cake, bake, lake, rake. And, hike, bike, Mike, like.
  • Have students match rhyming pictures containing previously learned long “a” and long “i” words.
  • Review short vowel “o” sound.
  • Introduce long vowel “o” sound: open, oval, ocean.
  • Teach long vowel “o” sound “oa” as in coat.
  • Teach “oa” words: coat, boat, goat, toad, road, soap.
  • Review sight words “my” and “I.”
  • Continue with question and answer sentences beginning with “Can,” “Is,” “Are,” “Does,” “Do,” and “What.”
  • Introduce the compound word “raincoat.”
  • Introduce the sight word “color.”
  • Multiple choice and fill in the blank for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Review the contraction “it’s.”
  • Review the long vowel “o” sound: open, oval, ocean.
  • Review “oa” words and “it’s” with sentence and picture matching activity.
  • Introduce the short vowel “a” word “mask.”
  • Read sentences containing the word “mask.”
  • Review the concept of rhyming with the following words: goat, coat, boat.
  • Complete a rhyming picture match-up with the following words: tail, sail, lake, cake, hand, sand.
  • Introduce additional long vowel “o” words with “o_e” format: bone, cone, rope, rose, hose, home, robe.
  • Review the sight word “what.”
  • Introduce the sight word “where.”
  • Introduce the contraction “they’re.”
  • Introduce the sight word “under.”
  • Review the sight words: color, my, I.
  • Introduce the long vowel “o” word “yo-yo.”
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank, and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Begin reading longer passages of four or more sentences.
  • Practice reading rhyming passages to increase reading speed and fluency.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review, reading comprehension and grammar practice.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Review contraction, “it’s.”
  • Review long vowel “o” words.
  • Review short vowel “e” sound.
  • Introduce long vowel “e” sound:  eagle, ear, eel.
  • Review sight words, “he” and “she.” Explain that these words have the long vowel “e” sound.
  • Review sight word, “where.”
  • Introduce contractions: he’s, she’s, where’s.
  • Teach long vowel “e” sound “e” as in “me” and “we.”
  • Teach long vowel “e” sound “ee” as in “see”.
  • Teach “ee” words: see, bee, feet, queen, green, and tree.
  • Teach compound word with “ee” sound: teepee.
  • Teach long vowel “e” sound “ea” as in “tea.”
  • Teach “ea” words: tea, sea, leaf, read, team.
  • Teach compound words with “ea” sound: teapot, teacup.
  • Review sight words: color, I, my.
  • Introduce the use of an exclamation point and how to read with expression.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Continue reading longer passages.
  • Review sight words and contractions: a, the, what, with, has, have, do, don’t, does, doesn’t, under, is, isn’t, are, aren’t, it’s, he’s, she’s, my, I, where, where’s, they, they’re, color, can, can’t, yes, no.
  • Review exclamation point and reading with expression.
  • Review long vowel “e” words: me, we.
  • Introduce new long vowel “ee” words: feed, seed, jeep.
  • Introduce new long vowel “ea” words: eat, meat, peas, ear, hear.
  • Read new and previously learned long vowel “ea” words: read, sea, tea, leaf, beak, team, eat, meat, seat, peas, ear, hear, tear, fear.
  • Introduce “ink” words: ink, pink, sink.
  • Introduce the new sight word, “there.”
  • Compare sight word, “there” to sight word, “where.”
  • Introduce the contraction, “what’s.”
  • Introduce the new sight word, “people.”
  • Introduce the new compound word, “picnic.”
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Continue reading longer passages.
  • Spelling practice to review words with the long “o” sound.
  • Complete rhyming picture match ups and note spelling patterns for rhyming words.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review, reading comprehension and grammar practice.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Introduce the sight word, “numbers.”
  • Introduce the color words, “black” and “white.”
  • Review the sight word, “there.”
  • Introduce the sight words, “how” and “many.”
  • Review the sight word, “people.”
  • Introduce the number words: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
  • Review additional color words: pink, green, red.
  • Introduce the word, “zero.”
  • Introduce the comma and how to use in a sentence.
  • Multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching for vocabulary review and reading comprehension.
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Review vocabulary words with a long “e” sound by matching.
  • Review sight words: there, where, how, many, are.
  • Review contractions: it’s, he’s, she’s, what’s, where’s.
  • Introduce sight word, “you,” both singular and plural forms.
  • Review exclamation point.
  • Introduce the long vowel “Uu” sound: unicorn, universe, utensils.
  • Introduce the long vowel “Uu” words: cube, cute, mute, mule, tune, June.
  • Introduce blends: gl, bl, cl, fl.
  • Introduce long vowel “Uu” words with blends: glue, blue, clue, flute.
  • Introduce sight words: this, that.
  • Introduce sight words: his, her, their.
  • Introduce preposition sight words: of, from, to.
  • Introduce the word “ball.”
  • Continue practice of putting words in a proper order to make a sentence. Now, students must choose correct grammar to complete the sentence.
  • Students have now learned all the long vowel sounds.